Autumn 2018 Places Now Open For One-to-One Mentoring With Clare Josa

Clare doesn't do 'sticky plasters'. If you've got a secret 3am fear or hidden inner block that it's finally time to clear, then she's here to help. Her unique blend of practical psychology and engineer-approved woo-woo means you won't get sausage-machine techniques. You'll work through a bespoke process that reaches the parts other techniques couldn't touch.

And it's fun! Clare believes we heal equally well through laughter as through tears. So change doesn't need to be scary.

Her superpower of intuitively knowing which 'Jenga brick' needs to go, so that your mindset challenges (and more) can melt away, means you can often achieve months'-worth of results in just a couple of sessions. She has helped thousands of Passionate World Changers, just like you, over the past fifteen years.

  • Got a big talk lined up?
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone?
  • Shifting Direction?
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    Hungry to feel more confident - to ditch Imposter Syndrome - to step into your Zone and deliver your magic with ease?
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    Need to re-invent your business?
Discover the life-changing power of a VIP Day programme with Clare.

Making smaller changes and want on-going accountability and business strategy advice? Then monthly accountability mentoring is for you.

Book your September place before the end of July 2018 to claim one of these two special offer packages:

Monthly Accountability Mentoring

Monthly one-hour mentoring session (online) plus between-session email mentoring and [September Bonus] Voxer support. Minimum 3-month commitment.

Create breakthroughs in your business & clear out your hidden blocks. Ideal for if you're just making smaller 'inside work' changes and need on-going support for business growth.

Just £397 per month - only 4 places available.

VIP Day Package

Deep-dive block clearing and business re-inventing. Discover how easily you can change your life - and the world.

Get a full day with Clare at her retreat centre in East Sussex or her home in Salisbury, plus three one-hour mentoring sessions (online) - one before your VIP day and two afterwards, plus 3 months of email & Voxer support. [September Bonus Package - VIP is usually £3,997]

Just £2,997 - only 3 places available.

There's more to growing a successful business than 'strategy'.
Changing the world isn't about what you do - it's about who you allow yourself to become.

Want To Work With Clare Josa?

Mentor To Passionate World

Changers Since 2002

Want To Work With Clare Josa?

Mentor to Passionate World Changers

Is Working With Clare For You?

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    You're hungry to make a bigger difference in the world, but you lie awake at 3am, secretly knowing you're getting in your own way
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    The way you have always done things isn't working for you any more - maybe your business needs to grow - or you want to shift direction - or things have stagnated - or perhaps you feel trapped by a 'prison' you never intended to create
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    You're prepared to invest the time, effort and money in yourself, to grow your business to the next level, to make the difference you are really here to make and fall in love with the journey again

Rosie Slosek

Founder of One Man Band Accounting

Clare has a way of explaining things you so you create breakthroughs. ​

If you have kept going, and going, and going in your business, wondering why everyone else seems to be making more progress than you, then this is for you.

Working with Clare has been the difference between being stuck and frustrated and on the path to creating my dream business and life.

How You Will Co-Create Results

Clarity About What's Next

You'll deep dive on what you're secretly hungry to do next - the difference you are really here to make - the legacy you dream of leaving. Get Clare's inspired blend of practical business common sense and her famous 'engineer-approved woo woo' to guide you through this.

Clear Out Hidden Blocks

Learn how to spot how you might get in your own way, so you don't have to use 'willpower' and 'pushing on through' any more. Clear out your hidden blocks at the deepest level, so that the self-sabotage and imposter syndrome that used to go with them melts away.

Take Inspired Action

These are the inspired actions that create breakthroughs - not burnout.

They might feel scary at first, but working with Clare will give you the confidence and passion to feel excited about them and get the results you have been dreaming of.

Clare will share with you her unique blend of proven business strategy and the 'inside work' that supercharges the biz strategy results.

Teresa Pangan

Nutrition Consultant

I have had so many ah-has with Clare’s support. A big thing for me is that I now have clarity for how to pivot my business that is truly me - leverage my gifts. I have been stuck helping people with their problems outside my gifts which has slowed down my dream business.

Clare also turned on the lightbulb for me so I have inner motivation to carry me all the way through. Lastly, working with Clare pushed me to get clearer on who I should focus on attracting - ideal target market, who I give the biggest transformation for.

The Practical Stuff - What Will You Get?

Pre-Mentoring Workbook

So you hit the ground running and get the most from your time with Clare.

Your Live Sessions

These can be via Zoom or face-to-face at Clare's retreat centre in Sussex (UK). You can book online, making it easy to fit your sessions in your diary and keep track of how many sessions you have left.

Between-Session Support

All mentoring plans come with email mentoring for support, answers to questions and celebrations between sessions. The VIP Package also includes Voxer access to Clare.

Clare's Back Catalogue

If a session identifies that you need one of Clare's paid online courses, it's yours, as her gift.

These cover topics from how to reboot your business through to dealing with limiting beliefs, overwhelm, credibility, livestreaming and taming your inner critic.

You will feel fully supported, with Clare walking by your side as your biggest cheer leader and your sounding board.

William Buist

Founder of xTen Club

Clare is passionate about others' success.

Every now and again you get to spend time with someone whom you know will change the way you think about the world, for the better, from that point forward. Clare is one of those people.

She’s influentially powerful and calmly assured, passionate about others’ success and inspires those she engages with.

Choose Your Package

Which Level Of Change Are You Making?

monthly accountability

You've got clarity & want accountability & block-clearing

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    Monthly 60-minute mentoring session
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    Between-session email mentoring
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    No tie in - you decide when you're done

Clare takes on maximum 5 accountability clients at any time.

£397 per month


You want to make deep changes, but you want to pace yourself.

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    7 x 60-minute mentoring sessions
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    Between-session email mentoring
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    All sessions to be completed within 3 months of session 1

This package is ideal for you if you are feeling overwhelmed and want to pace yourself.



You're hungry for change and want fast results.

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    Pre-VIP Day session
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    A full VIP day with Clare in a luxury hotel in East Sussex or Salisbury, UK - includes your accommodation the night before
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    As many mentoring sessions as you need over 3 months
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    Email mentoring and Voxer access to Clare (equivalent to having her mobile)


Investing in yourself - and your business - can pay back every single day for the rest of your life.

Nicky Harverson

Founder of My Fit Life Coaching

Clare gives you all the tools for getting your BIG dream out there and enabling you to work with your passion and energy to achieve it.

She has a perfect recipe: guiding you through with simple tools and techniques to open your mind and search for yourself the areas you want to work with, whilst also providing her own unique and compelling experience to help you understand how to use them.

How To Apply

Book a short chat with Clare, to double-check that this is right for you both. Please note, this is NOT a 'discovery call' or a thinly-veiled sales pitch. It's a chance to get to know each other and make sure it's a great fit to work together. Clare will be happy to answer your questions.

Note: if you're still on the fence, or if you know in your heart you can't afford the time, effort or investment it will take to get results, please don't book a session - Clare won't try to convince you and you'd be wasting your time and hers.

But if you're feeling even a teeny bit excited, please book your call now:


Got Questions First?
