Thank you so much for listening to or watching my interview with Rachel on the Magnificent Midlife podcast. I hope you found it useful. 

Here are the extra resources I mentioned.

x Clare

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Your Imposter Syndrome Resources

Stop Your Inner Critic In Under Sixty Seconds - Free Training

This is a video and email training course - yours as my gift - teaching the technique I mentioned in Rachel's podcast. I call it my 'ABC' and it has the potential to rewire your brain to support and encourage you, instead of beating yourself up.

  • Pause your inner critic (or Imposter Syndrome) in under sixty seconds
  • Learn strategies you can use if your brain is resisting the 'C'!
  • Discover what keeps us stuck and why - and what you can do about it

Soul Led Leaders Podcast

Ditching Imposter Syndrome is something I talk about a lot in my Soul Led Leaders podcast. Here's where you can find them and listen now. 

  • Episode 6: how to turn your inner critic into a genuine cheerleader
  • Episode 3: how to find the courage to achieve the impossible!

Stepping Up! Programme

If you're on a mission to truly ditch Imposter Syndrome, to smash through your secret self-imposed glass ceilings, and to become the obvious choice for your next promotion, then it's time for Stepping Up! It's my revolutionary 90-day leadership training to help you to ditch Imposter Syndrome, to lead with courage, clarity and passion!

  • Turn your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader
  • Ditch Imposter Syndrome
  • Step up to the next level on your leadership journey

2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study

This landmark study was the first of its kind in the UK, giving us data into how Imposter Syndrome is really affecting people and what we can do about it. This is the research I mention at various points in Rachel's podcast interview.

  • The three hidden causes of the gender pay gap
  • How might Imposter Syndrome be affecting your organisation?
  • What can you do - today - to start leading a wave of change on this?

Read One Of Clare's Books

I've published eight books - including two 'unputdownable' novels. Here's where you can find out more about them and how they can help you.

  • Ditching Imposter Syndrome
  • Dare To Dream Bigger
  • A Year Full Of Gratitude

How To Stop Imposter Syndrome In Its Tracks, In Under Sixty Seconds

For A Near-Instant Confidence Boost

Plus you get four options to pick the perfect version of this training to meet your needs!

Get instant access
Get instant access

Instant access video & 7-part email training from Clare Josa, so you can learn to press 'pause' & stop a bout of Imposter Syndrome in under 60 seconds.

  • Learn how to give yourself a near-instant confidence boost
  • Discover how Imposter Syndrome thoughts affect the body, our emotions and the stress cycle, so you press pause, fast
  • Perfect for when you need a confidence boost in a hurry
  • Plus downloadable MP3 & cheat sheet, so you've got the technique with you, whenever you need it

The training takes under 30 minutes and it's broken down into bite-sized, coffee-break-friendly steps.

Get instant access
Get instant access