How to deliver highly engaging virtual sessions That attendees Rave About

Without masses of tech or pretending to be a kids' TV presenter.

You know how to lead meetings, presentations and workshops in the physical world, but everything has changed now we're virtual.

The internet is full of memes about people being all-Zoomed-out and how ineffective online meetings and presentations are becoming. This makes it harder than ever for you to lead and inspire your team.

And the last thing you want is for your audience to be secretly dreading 'yet another online session' and furtively ferreting in their email inbox while you're talking, missing your message completely.

Taking your real-world leadership talents into online sessions requires a different set of skills. But they're easier to learn than you might think.

Many leaders struggle with communicating with as much impact on video as they do in face-to-face meetings.

I've condensed my decade of teaching this into a deep-dive online training that you can complete in under two hours, so that you can feel calm, confident and deliver your compelling message just as easily on camera as you do in the 'real' world.

- Clare Josa

How To Deliver Highly Engaging Virtual Sessions That Attendees Rave About

This instant access workshop will take the stress out of designing and delivering virtual sessions, which are highly engaging and create results, whether it's your weekly team meeting, an important presentation, or a full-blown online training.

In this deep-dive training (that takes just a couple of hours to complete), you will learn shortcuts and strategies that it has taken Clare Josa over a decade in this field to discover and refine:

The One Big Secret

Discover the one big secret that most pro-level on-stage presenters are still missing when they go virtual, so you can up your game with near-zero effort.

Game-Changing Tweaks

Avoid the top ten mistakes that most people are making when they 'go live', which can turn your audience off, even before you start to speak. Each of these can be fixed in seconds.

15 Super-Simple Ninja Strategies

How to move from 'Death By Virtual Powerpoint' to highly engaging, high-impact virtual sessions that attendees rave about - and which inspire your teams, with ease.

This session is perfect for managers, leaders, business owners and anyone who needs to communicate, motivate and inspire online, during lockdown and beyond.

Ever get camera-shy? (It happens to all of us!)

Clare will be sharing with you the nerves-neutralising pro-strategy she first discovered when she had to go live in front of a virtual audience of over a million, in a debate with the UK's leading authority about a topic she had never heard of until just five weeks before.

By the end of this training, you'll know how to take the stress out of virtual meetings and presenting - and no longer feel like you're home alone with your webcam!

PLUS you'll get twelve months' access to Clare's invitation-only monthly student live Q&A calls, for support that goes beyond this training, so you can pick her brain on your virtual presenting skills at any point over the coming year.

Join for just £297 - that's less than the price of a 30-minute 'pick Clare's brain' session:

Also available as an in-house training. Please contact Clare to arrange a call to discuss your company's needs.

Got Questions First?

Here are some common questions about this type of event. Got one that hasn't been covered? Let my team know to get an answer within 24 hours.

How Is This Workshop Delivered?

How Long Do I Get Access To The Materials

How Do The Group Q&A Calls Work?

Can I Commission This Training For My Leadership Team?

Can My Company Cover The Cost Of This?

Can I Do This 1:1 With Clare?

Don't Know Clare Josa Yet?

Clare Josa

8x Author | International Speaker | Leadership Mentor

Clare Josa has been leading online programmes and events for over a decade, in addition to her 25+ years of running real-world workshops.

As a certified NLP Trainer since 2003, she specialises in how to create high-impact, upbeat training that actually delivers results.

In this workshop she will share with you the secrets it took her over a decade to discover and refine about how to shift your physical-world presenting to work in the online sphere, so you can inspire your teams with your message and continue to thrive, during lockdown and beyond.

what people say about clare's TRAINING

What do past students think of Clare's training?

Clare has a perfect recipe her training; her ability to be authentic and guide you through the topic with simple tools and techniques to open your mind will inspire you. She also provides her own unique and compelling experiences to help you understand contextually how to use what she teaches.

Nicky Harverson

Owner: My Fit Life Coaching

I have had so many a-ha moments with Clare's work. I now have clarity for how to leverage my gifts. Clare also turned on the lightbulb for me so I have the inner motivation to carry me all the way through.

Teresa Pangan

Nutrition Consultant

© 2020 Clare Josa
