Login | Not a member yet? Join The 28 Day Meditation Challenge today!Want to join in with the 28 Day Meditation Challenge? Upgrade today!
Welcome to the 28 Day Meditation Challenge. I’m so happy that you have chosen to dive in and discover how ten minutes a day can change your life. Big grins all round and sending you Big Love!
Thank you so much for joining us.
You will shortly receive your first daily email.
But! In case it gets delayed (don’cha love email gremlins?!), this page is where to get started with the course.
Please bookmark this page!
This page is always here as a back-up, in case a daily message goes AWOL or you want to quickly check out the latest members-only resources, so please bookmark it.
Important! Before We Start:
- If you’re new to our Soul-Sized Living community (woo hoo! welcome!), then you’ll need to click an email confirmation link, before your account is activated and you can log in, after today’s visit. It’s a two-second step that means we can prevent our lovely community from being flooded with spam-bots…
=> Your login details won’t work until you have clicked the link in the email:
“Soul-Sized Living – Please Confirm Your Membership”
If you’re already a member of the Soul-Sized Living community, then your login details for all the 28 Day Meditation Challenge goodies are the same as usual:
User ID: %%EMAIL_ID%%
Password: %%PASSWORD%%- Please add hello@clarejosa.com to your email address book
The #1 question my team gets is “Where did my email go?”
Email systems are super-keen to protect you from spam – and that’s great. Unfortunately they don’t always get it 100% right and sometimes the daily emails go AWOL.
This is almost always fixable by adding hello@clarejosa.com to your email system’s address book / whitelist / approved senders list.
Then you’re practically guaranteeing that you’ll get your daily messages.
If you have any questions at any stage or if your confirmation email doesn’t arrive (PLEASE check your spam folder), please reply to one of the daily emails or you can get in touch with my team at hello@clarejosa.com and they’ll get you sorted ASAP.
I am so excited to see where this journey takes you – I really hope you enjoy the ride. Thank you for taking this step and I look forward to getting to know you.
With love, Namaste,
P.S. If at any stage your daily messages don’t appear, please check your ‘spam folder’ or your email provider’s equivalent – they will normally have disappeared into its black hole. Just in case, all of the messages are available to read online. The links you’ll need are in each week’s box, further down this page.
And Relax!
The best place to start for successful meditation is with deep relaxation. So there’s a bonus Deep Relaxation MP3 for you with this course. It’s called ‘finding your inner stillpoint’. If you’d like to download it, to play on your MP3 player, right click on the link below and save it to your computer.
You’ll find the links for each week’s meditation download in the weekly resources boxes below.
Note: I don’t recommend listening to it online, because some browsers can take ages to start streaming it and, depending on your internet connection speed, it can start and stop at random points! If MP3s aren’t your think and you’d prefer a CD with the course’s recordings on it, here’s where you can order one: www.clarejosa.com/28-day-meditation-challenge/CD/
Lay The Foundations
Before you dive in and get meditating, please take 15 minutes (or so!) to go through the ‘Getting Started’ guide. It lays the foundations by covering:
- What is meditation?
- The benefits of meditation
- What the 28 days will include
- What you need, to join in (pretty much nothing!)
- How to get the most from this challenge – for the least effort!
- What to do if you miss a day
- *** The secret to keeping yourself motivated ***
To view your welcome pack online, click here.
To download your welcome pack as a pdf file, to read on your computer or print out, right click here and choose ‘save as’.
Join In On The Forum
Your members-only forum is ready and waiting for you, with the latest insider secrets about how to make meditation part of your daily life – easily – as well as moral support, encouragement and answers to your questions. You can share your experiences and perhaps choose to help others who are also discovering how 10 minutes a day can change your life. Doing the challenge with others – even if ‘only virtually’ – makes a massive difference. You can hold each other accountable and share the journey.
You can use the same log in details as on the main website. You should have received an email confirming your username and password for the Soul-Sized Living online community – they’re the same as for this website. (If not, please email hello@clarejosa.com to let us know!).
The forum page for the 28 Day Meditation Challenge is at:
See you there!
Want To Know How To Get The Most From This Course?
- Work through the Welcome Pack.
- Then check your email each day, to read that day’s instalment. Apply the bits that resonate for you.
- Listen to your ten minute meditation, each day.
- Optional – use each day’s affirmation, if it resonates for you.
- Optional – download & print each day’s image, if it inspires you.
- Smile and watch your life change.
How This Course Works
This course is designed to guide you, step by step, through the first 28 days of creating a daily meditation practice. It includes key meditation techniques that work for busy people, with busy lives. There’s no fluff. There’s no floating. There’s no chakra-gazing.
But it does offer you the chance to make simple changes that can transform your life – as those who have completed the 28 Day Meditation Challenge have discovered.
It’s all about practical, common sense techniques, based on proven, ancient spiritual practices, to lay the foundations for whichever direction you choose for your meditation in the future.
Being a certified NLP Trainer and a formally-trained Meditation Teacher, as well as a reformed mechanical engineer, I have also included simple exercises and thought-provoking articles at key stages, to help you spot your old excuses and overcome your blocks about finding 10 minutes a day for yourself.
This is what makes this course work.
Being taught how to meditate is rarely enough;
Discovering how to create the daily habit is what makes the difference between a ‘nice idea’ and a life-changing experience.
It’s important to work through this course, reading each day’s message in turn, because the daily messages build on each other, to help you create strong foundations for your meditation practice.
If you miss a day, that’s ok. Just pick up where you left off. If you want to repeat a day, that’s fine too. If it takes you longer than 28 days to complete the challenge, that’s fine. The main thing is that you do it.
The people who find that this 28 day challenge created deep-acting shifts for them are those who read each day’s message and worked through the meditations and exercises in the order in which they are presented.
Are you ready to get started?
I’m really looking forward to sharing this journey with you. Thank you for joining in!
If you have any questions at any time, please email hello@clarejosa.com to get in touch with a member of my team – or you can reply to any of your daily emails.
Here Are Your Weekly Resources
Here’s a list of all of the goodies for each week of the course – it includes each week’s meditation MP3, each day’s messages in an online version (in case the emails get stolen by Gremlins!) and the bonus articles and discussion forum threads that help you to make the most of your 28 days.
Week One: Breath Awareness
In week one, we lay the foundations for your meditation and mindfulness practice. Your week one meditation gets you started with one of the most simple – and yet most effective – techniques around: Breath awareness. It’s not just a wonderful meditation technique, it’s also a great way of de-stressing and coming back to the ‘here and now’, at any time of day.
The recording (see below) guides you through this ancient practice, so you can just relax and enjoy it!
This week’s messages cover busting the #1 meditation myth, how to sit comfortably to meditate, handling your meditation excuses, how to ‘magically’ find more time and how to keep the momentum going.
Week One Meditation: Breath Awareness
To download the week one breath awareness meditation, right click on the link below and choose ‘save as’ (or similar) to download it to your computer / MP3 player.
Week One Meditation – Breath Awareness
Note: I don’t recommend listening to it online, because some browsers (including internet explorer) can take ages to start streaming it and, depending on your internet connection speed, it can start and stop at random points! If you need to order a CD of the recordings, here’s where you can get one: www.clarejosa.com/28-day-meditation-challenge/CD/
Daily Messages
Email gremlins can randomly stop your daily messages from arriving – and spam filters can take offence at the slightest provocation – so to make sure you can always read your daily message, they are all also available online. Here’s your week one list:
Day 1: Busting the #1 Meditation Myth
Day 2: Are you sitting comfortably?
Day 3: What Are Your Favourite Meditation Excuses?
Day 4: But I Don’t Have Time To Meditate!
Day 5: How To Get Moral Support For Your Meditation Time
Day 6: What To Do If You Miss A Day
Day 7: How To Keep Going, Even When You’re Not In The Mood
Daily Images & Affirmations
Lots of people like to download the daily inspirational images, quotes and affirmations to use as their computer desk-top or to print out and put up around their home. Here’s where you can find this week’s images. To download them to your computer, click on an individual image to go to a high resolution version of it, then right click and choose ‘save as’ or similar.
Bonus Articles & More
This week has the following bonus goodies:
- Day 2 ~ Article: Why Do We Find It So Hard To Get Started?
- Day 3 ~ Article: 5 Things You Need To Know About Meditating On A Chair
- Day 4 ~ Article: Feeling Down? Why Meditation Could Be Just What You Need
- Day 5 ~ Find out more about Marshall Rosenberg’s work
- Day 5 ~ Article: Six Secrets For Training Your Family To Help You Meditate
- Day 7 ~ Article: NLP Secrets To Help You Meditate, Even When You’re Not In The Mood
Week One Videos
Want to learn to meditate but find it hard to find the time? That’s been my favourite excuse, too! Here’s a video from Day 4 to help you bust that one, once and for all!
And if you’d like to watch a video that could change your attitude towards changing your life, fast and forever, here’s one from Day 7 that you won’t want to miss:
And, if you’d like to discover 7 surprising lessons that meditation could learn from the world of Zumba, here you are:
Week Two: Accepting Your Thoughts
To download the week two thought acceptance meditation, right click on the link below and choose ‘save as’ (or similar) to download it to your computer / MP3 player.
Week Two Meditation – Breath Awareness
Note: I don’t recommend listening to it online, because some browsers (including internet explorer) can take ages to start streaming it and, depending on your internet connection speed, it can start and stop at random points! If you need to order a CD of the recordings, here’s where you can get one: www.clarejosa.com/28-day-meditation-challenge/CD/
Daily Messages
Email gremlins can randomly stop your daily messages from arriving – and spam filters can take offence at the slightest provocation – so to make sure you can always read your daily message, they are all also available online. Here’s your week one list:
Day 8: Making Friends With Your Monkey Mind
Day 9: How To Stop Others From Stealing Your Meditation Time
Day 10: What Is Your Monkey Mind Trying To Tell You?
Day 11: How To Stop Your ‘To Do’ List Getting In The Way
Day 12: How To Create A Lasting Meditation Habit
Day 13: Are You Too Tired To Meditate
Day 14: But I’ve Not Had Instant Results!
Daily Images & Affirmations
Lots of people like to download the daily inspirational images, quotes and affirmations to use as their computer desk-top or to print out and put up around their home. Here’s where you can find this week’s images. To download them to your computer, click on an individual image to go to a high resolution version of it, then right click and choose ‘save as’ or similar.
Bonus Articles & More
This week has the following bonus goodies:
- Day 8 ~ Article: How Falling In Love With Your Monkey Mind Can Be The Key To Inner Peace
- Day 9 ~ Resource: Fungie Bell
- Day 11 ~ Article Reminder: How Falling In Love With Your Monkey Mind Can Be The Key To Inner Peace
- Day 11 ~ Find out more about Tim Ferriss’s ground-breaking ideas to help you find more time
- Day 12 ~ Article: How To Use Anchoring To Help You Remember To Meditate
- Day 13 ~ Life-changing book: Adrenal Fatigue by James Wilson
Week Two Videos
With love from Day 9 – meditation secrets from a cat – and how it can help you to set yourself free from the trap of expectations. Video: Meditation Lessons From A Cat – Why you shouldn’t believe everything you’re told about the traditions behind meditation.
Week Three: Mindfulness Meditation
To download the week two thought acceptance meditation, right click on the link below and choose ‘save as’ (or similar) to download it to your computer / MP3 player.
Week Three Meditation – Mindfulness Meditation
Note: I don’t recommend listening to it online, because some browsers (including internet explorer) can take ages to start streaming it and, depending on your internet connection speed, it can start and stop at random points! If you need to order a CD of the recordings, here’s where you can get one: www.clarejosa.com/28-day-meditation-challenge/CD/
Daily Messages
Email gremlins can randomly stop your daily messages from arriving – and spam filters can take offence at the slightest provocation – so to make sure you can always read your daily message, they are all also available online. Here’s your week one list:
Day 15: Discover The Magic Of Living In The ‘Here And Now’
Day 16: Is It Time To Taste Your Tea?
Day 17: Want A Magic Wand For Worrying?
Day 18: How Wiggling Your Butt Can Help You Meditate
Day 19: Getting Over The Meditation Hump
Day 20: How Dare You Interrupt My Meditation!
Day 21: Meditation Stirs The Pot
Daily Images & Affirmations
Lots of people like to download the daily inspirational images, quotes and affirmations to use as their computer desk-top or to print out and put up around their home. Here’s where you can find this week’s images. To download them to your computer, click on an individual image to go to a high resolution version of it, then right click and choose ‘save as’ or similar.
Bonus Articles & More
This week has the following bonus goodies:
- When you have experienced this week’s meditation, how about checking out this bonus article on the bell it uses: How Can A Sound Feel So Real?
- Day 17 includes a bonus article to help you discover how mindfulness can have much wider benefits for your daily life: How mindfulness can give you back your choice.
- Day 19 – Are you trying too hard, with your meditation? I’ve written a bonus article on this for you, in case you’d like some extra help: Are You Trying Too Hard To Meditate?
- Day 21 – How to deal with difficult emotions
Week Three Videos
Here’s a video to guide you through a great activation sequence to wake up your body and mind – before you meditate! I know it sounds strange, but it works
Remember, you can be mindful as you do this. Really focus on the movement in each part of the body, giving your mind a break and being fully ‘present’ to the physical sensations.
Do the raisin mindfulness concentration exercise. This is a great (and classic) mindfulness technique. It involves the simple act of eating a raisin and, once you have done it, chances are you’ll never look at raisins the same way again! There’s a bonus video to talk you through the process:
Week Four: Gratitude Mantra Meditation
To download the week two thought acceptance meditation, right click on the link below and choose ‘save as’ (or similar) to download it to your computer / MP3 player.
Week Four – Gratitude Mantra Meditation
Note: I don’t recommend listening to it online, because some browsers (including internet explorer) can take ages to start streaming it and, depending on your internet connection speed, it can start and stop at random points! If you need to order a CD of the recordings, here’s where you can get one: www.clarejosa.com/28-day-meditation-challenge/CD/
Daily Messages
Email gremlins can randomly stop your daily messages from arriving – and spam filters can take offence at the slightest provocation – so to make sure you can always read your daily message, they are all also available online. Here’s your week one list:
Day 22: Discovering The Secret Of Kindness
Day 23: What’s The Most Dangerous Word A Newbie Meditator Can Use?
Day 24: Two Little Words That Can Change Your Life
Day 25: How Do I Know When I’m Meditating?
Day 26: Are You Still Struggling To Find Time To Meditate?
Day 27: How To Keep Yourself Motivated
Day 28: Creating A Sanctuary For Your Meditation
Daily Images & Affirmations
Lots of people like to download the daily inspirational images, quotes and affirmations to use as their computer desk-top or to print out and put up around their home. Here’s where you can find this week’s images. To download them to your computer, click on an individual image to go to a high resolution version of it, then right click and choose ‘save as’ or similar.
Bonus Articles & More
This week has the following bonus goodies:
- From Day 24 ~ Want to experience how gratitude can change your life? Visit the Miracle Of Gratitude for insider secrets, free resources, gratitude journals and much, much more.
- From Day 28 ~ How to use anchoring to help with your meditation
- From Day 28 ~ Space: Thich Nhat Hanh
Week Four Videos