Welcome to Week 13!
How did you get on with mindfully releasing shoulder tension last week?
How about sharing how you got on – any questions, any insights – over at the forum? And I’m curious: what do you find makes your shoulders most likely to creep upwards and pretend to be earrings?
Are you wearing your shoulders as earrings?
This week we’re exploring a mindfulness technique that you can do pretty much any time, which not only helps you to come back to the present moment, but it can feel like the equivalent of a full-body massage!
The Magic Of Mindful Hand Massage
Did you know that a decent hand massage activates acupressure points that impact your whole body? Just as with the foot in reflexology, the hand contains tiny pressure points that are connected with the rest of your body. So massaging your hand can help the rest of your body to relax.
And, if you combine the massage with intentional mindfulness, it can cut your stress levels and help you to smile, by relaxing your mind, too.
Mindful Hand Massage
- Start with 3 mindful breaths [see Week 1]
- Take a ‘snapshot’.
Briefly scan your body and mind, noticing how you are feeling and any areas of tension. noticing what kind of thoughts you are thinking and the speed your mind is running at. - Look at the hand you are going to massage.
We all know the saying about “knowing something like the back of your hand” – but would you actually recognise the back of your hand – or your palm, if you were shown a picture of it? Most of us wouldn’t. So spend a few moments really seeing the palm of your hand – noticing its patterns, its textures, how the light reflects, any old scars. - Now allow your awareness to rest in that hand.
Become aware of the physical sensations and any areas of tension, any warmth, any pressure, any tingling or buzzing. - Squeeze that hand into a tight ball.
Then release it. Do it again.
Now stretch your fingers as wide as you can. Release and relax.
What has shifted? What do you notice? - Begin to use your other hand to massage your hand.
Start with the palm and work, mindfully, all over the palm and, one by one, along each finger. Relax and enjoy this massage. - Finish your hand massage.
Notice the physical sensations in your hand. How have they shifted? - Take another ‘snapshot’.
Now repeat that body and mind scan, taking another snapshot. What has shifted? How have the tense areas changed? What has happened to your thoughts?
This is a mindfulness exercise you can do in under a minute, once you have practised it a few times. It can really help to cut your stress levels. Imagine using it next time you’re stuck in traffic? The next time you’re waiting for the kettle to boil? The next time you’re feeling bored and fed up? It might make all the difference.
This can be a potent mindfulness exercise, so if you’d like to share your experiences of it or ask any questions, please check out the link to the course at: www.clarejosa.com/soulsizedliving/showthread.php?305-Week-13-Is-it-time-to-get-hands-on
I hope you have a great week. It would be lovely to hear how you’re getting on.
P.S. Any techy questions? Please email hello@clarejosa.com to get help from a member of my team. Thanks!
P.P.S. Missed a week? Want to revisit any of the techniques? You’ll find a list of all your current modules here: www.ClareJosa.com/members-only