Do you ever feel like you’re stuck, going round and round, on that proverbial gerbil wheel? Same play, different actors? Keep doing the same thing, expecting different results?
Then you need my favourite ever Italian word. It’s like DynoRod (TM!) for your ‘stuckness’. And these five little letters could turn your life around – with a smile on your face.
Watch today’s video and then I’d love to hear how it helps you:
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Want to know how my favourite Italian word can get you unstuck in your business?
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I’m curious:
- Is there an area of your life that needs that [spoiler-alert] moment?
- And how could you do it in a way that is still loving and compassionate?
- And what are you going to do instead?
- How might you remind yourself to use this technique BEFORE things get to crisis point?
I’d love to hear from you via the comments!
If you’d love a quick reminder in your inbox to let you know when the next edition of 5Minute.Biz is out, make sure you register here – and you’ll get member-only bonuses and invitation-only membership of our private Facebook group 5 Minute Biz VIP, too.
And have you grabbed your place on my Intuition Masterclass yet? Here’s where you can register: I’d love to see you there!
See you next time when I’ll be sharing my favourite practical technique for connecting with that still, small voice of calm, even when the brown stuff is hitting the fan.
With love, Namaste,
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