Welcome %%FIRST_NAME%%!
Right – are you ready? Let’s get started!
Here’s this week’s challenge – it’s really simple, but it has the power to kick start a real shift in your life.
Before we can move onto accepting abundance, it really helps to build up some strength and stamina in your ‘gratitude muscles’.
Just as your body’s muscles get weak if you don’t use them, so does the mind’s (and heart’s) gratitude muscle.
If your Monkey Mind is in the habit of complaining about what is wrong or what is missing from your life, then you will find it really hard to accept abundance. The complaining acts as a block to more good stuff arriving.
So this week we’re going to work on retraining your mind to see what is good and what is going well, so you can attract (and accept) more of it.
And if you’re already some way along that journey, that’s cool – this week’s challenge will help to deepen your progress.
Week 1 Challenge
Each day this week, when you wake up, before you get out of bed, spend the first minute of your day choosing to think of specific things you feel grateful for – to say ‘thank you’.
Really allow your focus to rest on one thing, and then another, and then another. Keep going for at least sixty seconds – and you will feel a shift.
In this way you’re setting your day’s intention to be finding more things to say ‘thank you’ for.
If you’re into social media, how about taking this to the next level?
Make your first post of the day 3 things you want to say ‘thank you’ for – 3 things you want to celebrate in your life. If you’d like to connect with others who are also doing this, you could use the hashtag
Then you can make spotting the abundance in our lives contagious! 🙂
Week 1 Affirmation
If you’re into positive affirmations – they can really help to support the shifts that this Challenge will help you to create, then here’s one for this week.
You could perhaps download the image to your phone or computer, to remind you to use the affirmation. Or you could print it and pop it up around your home, as a reminder!
“I enjoy finding things to say ‘thank you’ for.”
Click here to share this image with your friends on Facebook
Click here to share this affirmation with your friends on Twitter
Sneak Peak!
I’m not supposed to share this with you until day 4, but just in case you’re curious, here’s the Week 1 video – you won’t want to miss it!
I hope you love it!
I’ll be back tomorrow when we’ll discuss the habit that most of us have, which makes it nearly impossible to create what you want in your life. Then, in the next few days, I’ll share an Insider Secret to help you to set yourself free from those old self-sabotaging habits – and then a secret side-effect of this week’s challenge (and I reckon you’re going to like it! 🙂 ). It’s going to be a great week!
With love, Namaste,
Clare x