Stepping Up Mastermind 

Clare Josa

How To Feel Confident, Excited And Fearless About Your 2017 Big Vision
Even If You're Secretly Stressed,
Overwhelmed & Doubting Yourself

My Big Vision with this Mastermind programme is for you to feel inspired and empowered, with clarity about what you want to create in 2017, with your batteries topped up, and the tools you need, to clear out your hidden blocks and take inspired action.

Most of us are too busy working 'in' our business or career, to work 'on' it.

That's why it's all-too-common to reach the end of the year and our biggest dreams and ideas are still just notes, gathering dust and making us feel guilty. Or maybe it somehow feels 'safer' not to take action on them, to keep playing small.

I want to help make sure that doesn't happen for you in 2017.

I'd love to support you, to make sure that 2017 is the year you get to step up, to make the next level of difference you're here to make.

I want to get you past the 'flinch factor' for your 2017 dreams.

If you feel like you're stuck dreaming big, but playing small, or your heart is calling you to step up to the next level, then there are going to be out-of-date hidden blocks and comfort zones you need to clear out.

You can tell because your body will 'flinch' or contract, if you imagine taking action towards those dreams.​

On this inspirational 6-month Mastermind programme, you'll discover how to spot those blocks, fears and excuses, before they get in the way, and I'll share deep-dive, practical techniques you can use to make them a thing of the past.

“Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”   Martin Luther King Jr

It's so much more than just a Mastermind

Join us for this 6-Month Stepping Up Mastermind and you will get:

Pre-Mastermind Video Workbook

You'll hit the ground running, because your pre-Mastermind video workbook (it only takes about an hour) will help you to take the next steps on your Big Vision clarity, as well as starting to look at how you might be subconsciously self-sabotaging.
It also means I can design the monthly deep-dive sessions around your needs.

Monthly Online Workshops

You'll get a specially-designed interactive workshop each month, covering core themes for Daring To Dream Bigger, as well as learning how to pre-empt and release your hidden blocks.
It is a live, transformational course, tailored to your Mastermind group's needs. You'll get inspired gems from my 14+ years of mentoring Passionate World-Changers.

Twice-Monthly Live Group Mentoring Calls

These live Q&A calls are perfect for you to get answers to your questions and to celebrate your successes. They are vital for your accountability.
They can be accessed via the internet and you can join in live, so you're not being 'talked-at' - it's a live, international group mentoring session. And you can even show up in your PJs!

Mastermind Breakthroughs Together

You'll get access to my Google-proof forum, for discussions about each month's core theme, and you can get to know your fellow Masterminders. Bounce ideas, get answers to your questions, and inspire each other to step up; to Dare To Dream Bigger.

Demystified Ancient Wisdom

It's not just left-brained logic, psychology and business stragegy we'll be covering. Sometimes 'sticky' blocks need you to go below the surface.
So I'll also be sharing with you practical techniques from the worlds of yoga and meditation / mindfulness, to reach the parts that 'thinking' cannot reach.

Lifetime Access To Your Mastermind Group

Even after our 6 months of online workshops and group calls, you'll have access to your secret Facebook group for as long as you and your fellow Masterminders want to keep it running. Plus you'll get membership of my Inner Circle Mastermind & Mentoring Grads network.

Who Is The Stepping Up Mastermind For?

  • Business owners and managers who are hungry to step up to the next level
  • Maybe you're shifting from hobby to business, or business to legacy?
  • Maybe you're ready to step up to the next level in your career?
  • You're prepared to put in the time and effort that it takes, to get the results you deserve
  • And you want to make a bigger difference in the world

You might be running a business, you might be a freelancer, you might be self-employed, you might be working in or managing someone else's business.
The 'inside work' we do in the Stepping Up Mastermind will work for you, whatever it is you are doing with your days - and whatever it is that you want to achieve or create.

What counts is that you're here to make a difference and you know it's time to 'get out of your own way'.​

"Working with Clare was the missing link"

"Clare speaks powerful truth about what works in the world, sharing incredible wisdom and savvy smarts in the most heartfelt way. Her energy and enthusiasm helped me rekindle old dreams – especially the one that says I can have a lot of fun earning a living helping others in unlimited ways!

"Her processes illuminated what I wanted in business and why and then actually laid out how to get there! At a crucial point in my life, I got to see and feel how vitally important inner work really is as the basis for professional success. Thankful I had Clare is an understatement. The biggest change is in me – learning to trust what I know. Talk about results!"

- Karen Campos (Founder of Kaleidoscope)

Stepping Up Mastermind

Starts 19th January 2017

Online & Worldwide

Over half the places have been filled already. Want to make sure you get yours?

Here's A Tour Of What You'll Be Covering Over The Six Months:

So many of us miss this out. We get inspired and excited by an interesting idea and dive straight into taking action, without first pausing to get totally clear about what we want, why, who we want to serve and how we’re going to fix their burning problems, in a way that no one else does.

The absence of clarity is the biggest cause of procrastination, inexplicable out-of-character addictions to cutesy cat videos on social media, overwhelm and half-baked results.

This is the biggie. The difference between hugely successful people and those who wish they had been successful is a little bit of luck and planning, but a lot of confidence.

We’ll be dealing with everything from limiting beliefs, to hidden fears and excuses, to subconscious self-sabotaging behaviour, to self-esteem and even who you really are. You’ll discover how to turn these round, to fast-track your way towards making a bigger difference in the world.

I have lost count of how many brilliant world-changers I have met, hiding in the proverbial corner, desperately wanting to get their message heard, but also secretly scared that anyone might notice they’re there.

So we’re going to deep-dive on how to get comfortable with being visible (wave goodbye to Imposter Syndrome and feeling like a fraud), and you’re going to create a practical action plan to become the go-to expert in your field.

Once you’ve got clarity about what you’re doing, for whom, and why, and you’re starting to convince yourself and the world that you’re a credible expert, then it’s time to get connected.

In this phase we’ll get connected with yourself - your inner wisdom; your Dream Audience, so you can magnetise your Tribe and your Dream Team, who are the vital support team and the partners who help you get your Big Message out there.

This is where we unleash those inspired actions. We’re going to explore how to easily connect with your creativity, no matter what is going on.

You’ll also learn insider secrets from my former career as Head Of Market Research for a major international brand, so you can use that creative genius (yes, you have it), to create products and services that your dream customers will rave about. In fact, they’ll feel like you’ve been mind-reading their biggest problems and they’ll love you for it.

Without this, those brilliant ideas will never make it to reality. Commitment to complete projects is vital.

In this phase you’ll discover how to build the habit, so that commitment becomes easier, even if you’re secretly suffering from ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’ and the thought of being a 'completer-finisher' makes you run for the hills.

Hardly anyone knows about the power of this stage. But if you’re having a tough day, cultivating the habit of celebrating your successes, no matter how small, will keep you going. We rarely take time out to notice the progress we’re making, yet weaving a few minutes of gratitude into your daily life can be transformational, turning your Inner Critic into your Biggest Cheerleader.

And it's a secret key to creating the changes you're dreaming of in the world.

We get below the surface: sometimes blocks created by your Monkey Mind can't be solved by 'thinking them away'. That's when we dive in and do the 'engineer-approved woo-woo' that makes the vital difference.

I share what works: and sometimes that means we'll talk about 'energy' and 'soul' and 'heart' and 'alignment'. I hope that's ok with you. I'd be doing you a disservice if I pretended that your rational mind could change the world on its own.

Are You Ready To Make 2017 Your YES Year?

What Kinds Of Things Will You Cover?

Here are SOME of our topics for this Mastermind:​

  • How To Line Up With Miracles & Synchronicities
    Discover how to connect with the secret rocket-fuel for your dreams, which will keep you going, even when things don't feel so easy - and help you get better results, faster and with less effort
  • Ditching Your Inner Critic
    Dive beneath the surface with highly effective, surprisingly simple techniques to tame your Inner Critic and turn it into your biggest cheerleader
  • Become A Virtual Mind-Reader
    How to use free market research to get your Dream Audience feeling like you're reading their mind - and loving you for it, plus you'll find these techniques crank up your intuition on how to meet your audience's needs, even before they realise they have them
  • 'OWN' Your Expert Status
    Insider secrets and practical 'done-for-you' strategies from Clare's 13 years as an NLP Trainer, so you can magnetise your Dream Audience with videos, podcasts and speaking events, even if you're secretly terrified
  • You Are Not Alone
    How to get the media and other business owners / colleagues excited about your Big Message, so they queue up to interview you and help spread the word, even if you're a secret introvert
  • Cranking Up Your Commitment
    How to 'magically' find the time you need, to step up to the next level, even if you're currently overwhelmed or addicted to procrastination
  • Give Your Message Its Biggest Advantage
    De-jargoned strategies from the world of linguistics and neuroscience, so you can easily decode what motivates your Dream Audience, and avoid accidentally doing what switches them off
  • Manifesting Abundance
    Take the inner critic work to the next level and discover how to truly get 'out of your own way' when it comes to consciously creating what you are dreaming of - and the difference your heart is calling you to make

Somewhere out there, right now,
someone is lying awake at night,
dreaming of the solution that
only you can offer.

If you could wave a magic wand, what would you change in your life, right now?

If you felt confident of success, what would you risk and create? What difference would you make?

Taking time out, each month, to work on your Mastermind programme, means you can make those changes, and even enjoy the process.

What's It Like, Working With Clare Josa?

"I have had so many ah-has with Clare’s support."

"I now have clarity for how to pivot my business that is truly me - leverage my gifts.

"Clare also turned on the lightbulb for me so I have inner motivation to carry me all the way through. Lastly, working with Clare pushed me to get clearer on who I should focus on attracting - ideal target market, who I give the biggest transformation for."

- Theresa Pangan (Nutrition Consultant)

"Clare gives you permission to dream bigger."

"Running a business was been a game until now. I realised that I have been undervaluing my talent and BIG ideas since I started. This revelation was AMAZING.

"The unique way in which Clare gives you permission to dream bigger and take inspired action is life-changing."

- Nicky Harverson (Founder of MyFit Coaching)

"Clare is REAL and her honesty makes her easy to relate to."

"Clare's insights are gentle and lovingly delivered. When put into practise, they are truly empowering and life-changing. The depth to which you can absorb and really LIVE her suggestions, is where the transformation begins."

- Pendella Buchanan (Author)

"Clare inspired me to take action again"

"I had reached an impasse in my writing and my editing business. It had become far too easy to find excuses NOT to do something.

Clare has not only started me dreaming again, but has inspired me to take action, something I hadn't done in some time."

- Renate Ford (Professional writer and editor)

Note: due to her busy schedule, this is the ONLY online-based Mastermind programme that Clare will be running in 2017.

About Clare Josa

Clare Josa

Mentor To Passionate World-Changers since 2002, International Speaker, Member of the Institute Of Directors & author of Dare To Dream Bigger: the 'inside work' handbook for entrepreneurs and passionate world-changers​

My big passion is inspiring and empowering you to clear out the hidden blocks that had been getting in the way of the difference you're here to make in the world.

I'm an NLP Trainer, Meditation & Yoga Teacher and an Engineer, an entrepreneur of 14 years, and former Head Of Market Intelligence for a leading international brand, as well as the Author of five life-changing books.

I love to demystify Ancient Wisdom, blending it with the best of practical psychology, and a generous dollop of humour, to make it surprisingly easy for you to feel confident, excited and fearless about the next stage of your journey.​

You have all the answers you need, inside of you.

I'd love to show you how to find them.​


Got a question that's not answered here? Please get in touch.

Do I have to do the full six months?

What if I can't join a live workshop?

How do I join in with the group mentoring calls?

What time are the workshops / calls?

Do I have to be a business owner?

What's the difference between this and your Academy?

I'm just starting out my business. Is this Mastermind for me?

What's The Investment?

How Much Time Does It Take?

Each live online workshop (once a month) lasts about an hour, plus you might spend a few hours on that month's deep-dive materials and any action challenges.

Your meditation will be about 10 minutes, and you'll want to do that as regularly as you can.

The live Q&A calls will be maximum one hour per fortnight.

All online sessions will be recorded, so you can download them and watch / listen at a time to suit you.​

It's all designed to be easy to fit in around your schedule, but you will need to mark out time in your diary, to get the most from your membership. I can't do that for you!

Only 5 places still available.

Register by 15th January 2017 (midnight UK time) and save £900.

Pick Your Option:

The entire 6-month Stepping Up Mastermind programme is yours from just £197  per month.

Claim Your Place on the Stepping Up Mastermind 

Choose which option you want and then click the button to make your first monthly payment and guarantee your place.


Create lifelong change and step up to the next level.

  • 6-Month Mastermind Programme
  • Save £900 - register before midnight on January 15th 2017

Earlybird £197 for 6 months

Regular price is £347 per month.
Save £900 by joining today.


For extra accountability and individual support.

  • 6-Month Mastermind Programme
  • Save £732 and get a £500 bonus (see below)- register before midnight on January 15th 2017
  • 6 monthly mentoring sessions (usually £395 per month)
  • Lifetime access to my Entrepreneur's Inside Work Toolkit online training vault (usually £497), if you register before 31st December midnight UK time

Earlybird £375 for 6 months

Regular price is £497 per month.
Save £700+ and get £500 in bonuses by joining today.

"Clare is an inspirational change agent."

"Every now and again you get to spend time with someone whom you know will change the way you think about the world, for the better, from that point forward. Clare is one of those people.

"She’s influentially powerful and calmly assured, passionate about others’ success and inspires those she engages with. I first came across Clare when the rules on VAT in Europe changed, for the worse, for the small businesses that she works with. Quietly and without fuss, she’s created change, spoken at the highest levels and influenced policy throughout the 28 countries of the EU.

- William Buist (Founder of the xTen Club)

"Changing my world only took half an hour."

"I was blown away by the difference that even a 30 minute session with Clare made. In that short time she helped me to spot where I had been blocking my dreams for over 5 years, without realising it. Now I’m free to create what I always wanted to create."

- Arabella M (Artist & Entrepreneur)

"Working with Clare doubled my business's turnover."

"I don’t normally do ‘woo woo’, but Clare has helped me to connect at a deep level with who I really am. It has made an enormous difference to my business.

"Without Clare’s help, I never would have taken my business to the size it is now, making the difference that it does."

- Steve H (CEO)

"Clare helped me see how I was self-sabotaging my success."

"Just had to let you know that wow…! Yes I do sabotage my abundance but never quite understood that I was doing this. Now I have a full client roster and I’m about to hit 5 figures a month of passive income (getting paid while I sleep).

"And I have a support team around me that means I only work 4 hours a day. Clare’s inspiration took me from ‘hobby’ to ‘business’. Next step: ‘legacy’."

- Monica S (Entrepreneur)

Still got questions? Please give Clare a call. She would be happy to answer them for you.

(UK +44) 01342 477057

Only 5 places left: and the price goes up by £100 per month on 16th January

Claim Your Place on the Stepping Up Mastermind 

Choose which option you want and then click the button to make your first monthly payment and guarantee your place.
