… you know how the rest of it goes!
I don’t know about you, but I get fed up of all those self-proposed gurus who tell everyone what to do, how to think, how to feel and even who to be, to change their lives. But so often, if you dig beneath the veneer, they’re just as messed up as the rest of us!
Then I was thinking (I know, crack the jokes). Part of the dream that led to the creation of The Transformation Club was creating a community of like-minded people who would share this transformational journey together.
I didn’t want to create a website where people would sit on their own at their computers, change their lives, and then walk away.
I wanted to inspire them to change – and to connect with each other.
You know the kind of thing – like phoning a friend, full of excitement, because you have suddenly dumped a habit that had been causing you problems for decades. Or busting a limiting belief that had been sabotaging your dreams for years. But on a much larger scale.
When we share the breakthroughs we have on our transformation journey, we achieve two amazing things.
- Firstly, we’re acknowledging our efforts and growth. By speaking them (or typing them!), we are consciously admitting that we have changed. And that’s a really crucial part of cementing changes.
- Secondly, we inspire others. So not only do we change our life, but we can motivate them to change theirs. And that’s spreading miracles, if ever I heard it!
So, to help you feel more comfortable about diving in and sharing with others, I figured it was only fair if I offered you a deal.
I’ll show you mine, if you’ll show yours!
So I’m going to promise you that, every time I discover a new technique, strategy, shortcut or insight and apply it to my own “stuff”, I’ll share with you, openly and authentically, via the club’s Sofa area.
I’ve already got masses of techniques and tools up my sleeves (that’s the whole point of The Transformation Club), but that doesn’t mean I don’t still have “baggage” that comes up and bites me on the backside.
So every time I get whalloped in the face by the wet kipper of my Ego or stumble over the cliff of a well-placed, deeply invisible limiting belief, I’m going to share with you how I deal with it, so you can hopefully be inspired and motivated, too.
Sound like a deal?
Here’s the first instalment: