Why Are Blurry Boundaries And Energy Vampires Such Big Time Thieves For Passionate World Changers?
They say that the best person to give a task to is one who's already busy, because the theory is that they're more likely to be an action-taker.
But what happens when your Passionate World Changer boundaries get blurry and that 'no' slides into a 'yes', or at least an 'oh, go on, then'?
In this section you'll dive in to secret time thieves, setting healthy boundaries and how to handle energy vampires (hint: they're not always other people!). Enjoy!
How To Create Clear Boundaries (Without Losing Friends) and Handling Energy Vampires (Without Resorting To Wooden Stakes & Garlic)
As Passionate World Changers, it's easy to fall into the trap of saying 'yes' when we're secretly screaming "NOOOOOO!"
Why do we do it? Because helping people is what drives us.
But whether it's baking 4-dozen fairy cakes for the local school's fete or giving 'mates' rates' (aka free) discounts to friends on stuff we would normally charge for, there is a direct cost to us of over-giving.
And it's all driven by lack of clear boundaries.
The thing is:
If you're not choosing where to spend your time and energy, someone else could choose for you!
If you're stuck on whether to say 'yes' or 'no', then here's a podcast episode you might love:

Do You Ever Struggle With Decisions?
In this episode of the Dare To Dream Bigger podcast, I take you through how to spot those tricky decisions – they can be masters of disguise – plus five profoundly simple strategies you can use to make even tricky decisions feel easier.
Another really common problem is invisible energy drains. In Dare to Dream Bigger (step 2 - confidence) I talk about how the stories we tell ourselves can leave us feeling exhausted - and how to press 'pause' on them, to choose one that leaves us feeling great, instead.
As Passionate World Changers, we have a strong sense of right and wrong - and indignation at someone else not living up to our standards can play a movie in our heads for hours - or even months. If that particular energy vampire is draining your batteries, here's an article you might love, all about how to stop letting someone else rent space in your head - for free!

Be Careful Who You're Letting Rent Space In Your Head
Watch out who you’re letting rent the space in your head. It’s ok to evict any tenant who’s dragging you down. In this article I show you how to spot the warning signs - and my 3-step process for turning this around.
And if energy vampires are a big thing for you - you know, the kind of people who seem to sap the sunshine out of your day, then here's a video you might love. It takes you through how to handle them, without resorting to wooden stakes or strings of garlic.
How To Ditch Energy Vampires
I’m curious: do you have any energy vampires in your life? Anyone who, when they walk through the door, you secretly want to hide under the table? Or who, if you see them on caller-display, you have to consciously decide whether you want to pick up the phone?
They’re the kind of people who, when we spend time with them, they look great afterwards, but we feel terrible. If you know anyone who does this to you, then in this video I’ve got some secrets to share with you to help you put a stop to that cycle, without finding that no one will talk to you any more!
My Top Resources On Cranking Up Your Boundaries (Without Losing Friends) and Handling Energy Vampires
My Latest Videos, Articles & Podcast Episodes On Cranking Up Your Boundaries (Without Losing Friends) and Handling Energy Vampires
Want Even More?
Here's where to find a complete list of my articles, videos and podcasts on having clearer boundaries, dealing with difficult people and handling energy vampires.