I'm so excited that you're joining us for the Let's Rock 2021! conference!
It doesn't officially start until 26th April, but our Facebook group will be opening before then, so keep an eye on your inbox for your invitation.
And here are three quick wins you can do now, to help you to get the most from the conference.
Can't wait to share this with you! x Clare
Three Quick Wins
Let Me Into Your Inbox (Please!)
Make sure you actually get the emails that are part of your membership by adding my email address - hello @ clarejosa . com to your whitelist / address book / non-promo folder in Google etc. I do my best, but this helps make sure they get past your spam filter.
Invite Your Friends!
A conference is a brilliant place to reconnect with old friends and to make new ones. Want to invite your friends?
I love to reward action-takers, so I'm sharing the love. If five friends join, your ticket is free! Here's where you can sign up as an affiliate for the conference.
Get The Dates In Your Diary
Want to make sure you catch all of the interviews? And the masterminding sessions? And the Wednesday networking event? And the Friday Inspired Action Plan workshop? Get the dates in your diary now! They will all be in a Google calendar for you in the next few weeks. Keep an eye on your inbox!