Ever Get Stuck On What To Say To Someone Who Wants Help With Imposter Syndrome?

Free Guide From Clare Josa:
5 Super-Common Mistakes To Avoid - And What To Say Instead

Register here to download your copy of this free guide from Clare Josa, author of Ditching Imposter Syndrome

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  • Employed in a leadership role
  • Employed in a non-leadership role
  • Running my own business / freelancer
  • Student or not currently employed

What you’ll discover:

  • What Imposter Syndrome is - and what it isn't - and why it's not the same as self-doubt (plus how this will boost your confidence in helping people)
  • Why the internet is the first place people look - but also the worst place - and how this can even make Imposter Syndrome worse
  • How to spot the early warning signs in a team member, client, colleague or friend, so you can intervene and support them before they self-sabotage
  • Five super-common bits of Imposter Syndrome advice that you need to avoid, and what you could say to people, instead
  • Going beyond 'tea and sympathy': what people really need, when they ask you for help with Imposter Syndrome, and how you can feel confident in supporting them

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Which of these best describes you?
  • Employed in a leadership role
  • Employed in a non-leadership role
  • Running my own business / freelancer
  • Student or not currently employed

Don't Know Clare Josa Yet?

Clare Josa

Clare has spent nearly 20 years specialising in helping leaders to set themselves free from Imposter Syndrome and she's considered the UK's leading authority on the topic.

In this inspirational guide, she shares with you what you most need to know, to avoid the mistakes that most people don't even realise they're making when someone comes to them to talk about Imposter Syndrome.

It includes strategies and insights from her 2019 landmark research study into Imposter Syndrome, and her best-selling book, Ditching Imposter Syndrome.
