I'm so thrilled that you've registered for this instant access training.
To get the most from it, please could I ask you to do three super-quick things first?
Then head over to your inbox and there will be an email from hello@clarejosa.com waiting for you with details of how to log in.
I can't wait to share this with you!
Three Quick Wins
IMPORTANT: Let Me Into Your Inbox (Please!)
Make sure you actually get the emails that are part of your course by adding my email address
- hello @ clarejosa . com - to your whitelist / address book / non-promo folder in Google etc. I do my best, but this helps make sure they get past your spam filter.
Block Out Your Diary
You get no-rush access to this training, meaning it doesn't expire. But we all know how 'life' can get in the way. So please block out time in your diary to make the most of this.