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And if you'd like some practical inspiration in the meantime, I have three newsletters, and you'd be welcome to subscribe to any or all of them.
Thank you! Clare
Becoming The Real You
Want to feel bold, confident, courageous and excited about your goals and mission? But maybe you're feeling scared? Perhaps secretly self-sabotaging? Feeding your fears more than your dreams?
Then you'll love the research-backed insider secrets for getting out of your own way and becoming the real you.
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For you, as an individual
Soultuitive® Leaders
Practical inspiration for leading from your heart in a head-based world, without sacrificing the KPIs.
Discover the 7 Cs of Fear-Free Impact™, how the Natural Resilience Method® can free your teams from burnout and Imposter Syndrome, and how The HOPE Matrix™ is the antidote to toxic resilience, creating thriving teams.
Fortnightly on Fridays
For you, as a leader
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- Ditching Imposter Syndrome - practical inspiration for becoming the real you
- Soultuitive® Leaders - leading from your heart in a head-based world
Here are the latest episodes: