Welcome to the seventh and final day of your 7 Day De-Stress Course.
Today I’d like to share with you a solution that can make a dramatic difference to your stress levels – asking for help.
Here’s a link to listen to the seventh part of your audio course and there’s a transcript at the bottom of the page.
To listen online, click the ‘play’ button. Depending on your internet speed, it may take a few moments to load – please be patient!
To listen on your computer or MP3 player, hover over the link and choose ‘save as’ to download the audio.
[audio:https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/destress-audio-course/part-seven.mp3]Part Seven Audio MP3
When you have had a chance to experiment with the ideas on today’s audio, how about popping by the special discussion area in the Soul-Sized Living forum, to share how you got on – and get answers to any questions you may have?
Is It Finally Time To Ask For Help?
And just in case you’d like a positive affirmation for this stage of the audio course, how about:
I know that the help I need is there, waiting for me to let it in.
That’s all for now. I’ll be back with a final email in a week’s time, to check in and see how you have been getting on with the 7 Day De-Stress techniques.
And if you feel ready to take the next step and make deep-acting, life-changing shifts, you might find your heart is calling you to join in with our How To De-Stress With Mindfulness course.
Or, if you’d like to learn to meditate on a daily basis, you could consider joining in with with the 28 Day Meditation Challenge course.
I have included an overview of each course at the end of this message – just in case. Both of these courses operate with our Conscious Pricing promise, where you get to choose how much to donate, to join in.
But there’s no pressure, no obligation and no expectation. It’s simply that for those of you for whom either How To De-Stress With Mindfulness or the 28 Day Meditation Challenge are the next logical step, I’d be doing you a disservice, if I didn’t tell you about it!
Wishing you a wonderfully de-stressing time and sending you gratitude for sharing this stage of the journey with me.
How To De-Stress With Mindfulness
Want to discover how ancient mindfulness techniques and modern psychological insights can cut your stress levels and help you to feel calmer and more relaxed, no matter what is going on?
This 90 day interactive online mindfulness course has been specially created to help you discover stress management techniques and quick-acting relaxation strategies, based on simple, yet powerful, mindfulness and meditation secrets.
But it doesn’t stop there.
It also brings you an inspired blend of NLP-based techniques (‘practical psychology’) to help you address the root causes of stress in your life. If you so choose, you will be able to let go of the old habits and thought patterns that fed those stresses, so that feeling happier and more calm becomes a part of your daily experience of life.
How To De-Stress with Mindfulness brings you an inspired blend of ancient mindfulness techniques, highly effective relaxation exercises, NLP (‘practical psychology’), common sense and a dollop of humour.
Whether you’re suffering from ‘mindfullness’ or ongoing stress, or whether you want to relax, feel more calm and reconnect with a sense of inner stillness and peace, How To De-Stress With Mindfulness will guide you on your journey.
It’s not about ‘sticky plasters’.
How To De-Stress With Mindfulness is about genuine life-long change.
Made easy.
Find out more and sign up today: How To De-Stress With Mindfulness.
28 Day Meditation Challenge
Students tell us that the 28 Day Meditation Challenge Course has helped them to:
- feel happier, less stressed and more grounded.
- be more calm and focused.
- feel more centred, even if emotions are running high.
- live more ‘in the moment’, free from worries and stresses.
- feel a sense of peace, even when life is hectic.
- discover that ten minutes a day – of the right techniques – is enough to have a massive impact on your life.
- finally create a meditation and mindfulness habit that works for you, no matter how busy you are.
How does it do this?
Inspiration can give you the idea.
Motivation can get you started.
But it is habit and routine that create the change.
It guides you, step by step, through the practical aspects of how to meditate and be mindful – as you would expect.
BUT it also acknowledges that we need help to create new habits.
The 28 Day Meditation Challenge combines ancient meditation and mindfulness techniques with an inspired blend of modern psychology (NLP), to help you with the ‘how to’ of creating your new habit.
It tackles the reasons why most of us have failed to create new habits in the past, no matter how much we wanted to do them and how strong our willpower was. It shows you how to:
deal with your meditation excuses, calmly and effectively.
avoid the most common myths and mistakes that prevent people from being able to benefit from meditation.
overcome the fears, blocks & limiting beliefs that may have stopped you from making changes in the past.
discover how to find more time in your day.
learn how to keep yourself motivated, even when you’re not in the mood.
learn how to easily handle common meditation challenges, that could normally de-rail you.
weave practical relaxation strategies into your day-to-day life.
find simple ways of making meditation practice – and its enormous benefits – an integral part of your life.
Find out more and sign up today: 28 Day Meditation Challenge
Could This Be Your Best Ever Stress Solution?
How have you been getting on so far? I hope you have enjoyed parts one to six. I’m curious: which of the techniques have worked best for you? Which are you using day to day? And which have you not had a chance to play with yet?
Remember there’s a special area in our private members-only Soul-Sized Living online community for you to share your experiences on this course and to get answers to your questions:
The final technique I would like to share with you in this mini course is one that a lot of us struggle with. But it’s life changing and it could be your best ever stress solution:
It’s ‘ask for help’.
If you’re feeling stressed out and it’s a regular event for you, it’s time to ask for help.
Feeling stressed isn’t a natural way of living; it’s not something you have to put up with. And it might be help that you need with the tasks that have been overwhelming you. It might be about asking for professional help, if things are more serious. But we find it so hard to ask for help!
There is something about asking for help that makes us think maybe we’re weak or we’re not good enough… And these are stories that might have been told to us as kids, or that we might have misunderstood from watching those who we trusted and loved as children, reacting to stressful situations.
The more we tell ourselves those stories, the more embellished they become and the less grounded in reality they are. In reality, think about how you feel when someone you love asks you for help and they genuinely need your help 0 and you get to help and see the difference it makes! It’s an amazing feeling isn’t it? So why do we deny that to other people? Those we know, those we love, if they can see we’re stressed, generally they are going want to help. If we’re taking on too much – if the problem is that we can’t remember how to say no or we’re scared to say no – there comes a point where we need to re-evaluate and say “Hey! Isn’t my mental and physical and emotional health and my enjoyment of life more important than saying yes to this?!”
Only you can decide what help it is that you need to get; whether it’s emotional support, whether it’s practical support, whether it’s laying down some boundaries at home, whether it’s simply not doing stuff and letting other people pick up the bits that fall off the table. Asking for help when we’re feeling stressed is vital because otherwise we’re just going to create more stress.
There are people out there just longing to offer you support and there are no prizes for being a stress hero. In fact, the winners in life are those who ask for help early on. It doesn’t have to be scary, so please let people help you. Let people muck in. Let people take some weight of your shoulders, because the chances are it’s not your weight to carry anyway.
So that’s my invitation to you today: when you’re feeling stressed, look at what help you could ask for. Sometimes the act of even opening up to accept that help means that people will come along and offer. It’s amazing what happens when we open ourselves up to being helped.
I really hope that you have enjoyed this seven part mini course. I really hope that the techniques have made a difference for you and that you’ve found some that you’ve been able to play with and really apply in day to day life.
If you would like to take things further – and there’s absolutely no pressure on this – I’ve got a ten week de-stressing course, which is based on over a decade of coaching senior executives who were seriously stressed out and creating de-stressing programmes for them. And these programmes lasted about 6 months and cost them over £3,000 as they went through them, one to one. And I’ve taken the core elements of those programmes and designed a unique 90 day interactive on-line course for you, because I want as many people as possible to get their hands on this stuff!
It’s run on the conscious pricing model, so you get to choose the donation you make, as usual for my courses.
If your heart is calling you and saying “Yes! You know that it’s time to deal with those stress habits! I’ve had enough of them! Alright I’m going to spend half an hour, twice a week for 90 days, investing in myself to let go of these old behaviours and set myself free from them!” then it’s time to dive in: How To De-Stress With Mindfulness.
If that’s what your heart is telling you to do right now, check the course out. I would love to have you join us.
Whether you decide to join us or not I really hope you’ve enjoyed this 7 day mini course. I hope you find that life is much less stressful, more fun, more calm and I’d love to hear how you got on. There are ways to get in touch with me and tell me how you found this course on the email that this audio was with. So I wish you a wonderful future hopefully our paths will cross again soon.