Welcome to the October issue of Soul-Sized Living magazine.
I hope you are enjoying our beautiful autumn (or spring, if you’re Southern Hemisphere!). The falling of the leaves and shift of the seasons is a great time to pause and take stock of how things have been going, as well as to review where we want our journey to next take us. After all of the busy-ness of the summer, it can feel nourishing to look inside and take gentle actions to make changes.
So this month we’re talking about life lessons from autumn leaves – and how they can help us to better handle change, happiness secrets our kids would love us to know, Soul-Sized Living podcasts – with a great competition worth over £500, the Miracle Of Gratitude Inner Circle and an exciting book project I’d love you to join in with – if that’s what’s calling you!
I hope you really enjoy this month’s magazine. As always, it would be great to hear from you, via the comments box for any of the article links in this edition!
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10 Happiness Secrets
From a 4 year old! Plus join in with our exciting book project.
We often believe that wisdom comes with age. But sometimes the years cause us to forget what’s really important, as we get bogged down in the details of how to worry, stress and feel grumpy. We can focus so much on teaching our kids the things we think we know, that we can forget how much they have to teach us.
So, just in case you’re up for remembering how to feel happier, here are 10 happiness secrets that my wee one would like to share with us “grown ups”!
Want to join in with our inspirational book project?
We are really excited about this one – we want to create a ‘crowd-sourced’ book, based on happiness tips and insider secrets from children!
The idea is that it becomes a project that will inspire ‘big people’ to feel happier, by reading those incredible nuggets of wisdom that our children come out with – complete with beautiful drawings from kids.
All profits will go to the Children Of Mother Earth project in India, which offers a loving home to orphans and children who have experienced things that, frankly, no adult should have to go through, let alone a child.
It’s a real chance to make a difference.
If you’d like to join in, please let me know by emailing hello@clarejosa.com and I’ll let you know more, over the coming weeks.
How To Handle Change
What autumn leaves can teach us
With the change of season, it’s a natural time to pause and reflect. And we often feel the seasonal shift at a very deep level. This month I want to share with you a short video, which talks about the life lessons that autumn leaves can teach us – and how they can help us more easily handle change.
Here’s where to watch the video: https://www.clarejosa.com/?p=9517
Happiness Experimenters
Could you be part of this life-changing tribe?
I realised recently (or perhaps admitted to myself something I have known for a long time!) that there is a limit to the depth of resources I can share with you ‘just’ on the website. Some of the techniques I use on a daily basis are too potent to just ‘put them out there’ and ‘hope for the best’. Sometimes change is much better done with others sharing the journey.
But I also realised that there is a real hunger and need for discovering how to feel happier, at a deep and lasting level.
So I have developed a way for me to share with you the processes I personally use, on a daily basis, whilst making it easy for you to create the shifts you are looking for. And the stuff I do, each day, is an on-going ‘experiment’. There’s no ‘right and wrong’ – happiness is about playing and experimenting with whatever works for you, in that moment.
The Happiness Experimenters’ Mastermind Group is like a tribe, a support network, an inspirational place for you to ‘hang out’, getting moral support, as well as plenty of inspirational ‘how to’ resources. Apply the techniques (broken down into practical bite-sized chunks) each week and I promise you that you’ll notice the changes in your life – fast!
If this is resonating for you, then come and join us. To celebrate our launch month, you get a massive discount on the donation levels, for the duration of your membership, if you join by the 1st November.
See you there! Are you a happiness experimenter?
Soul-Sized Living Podcast
Are you signed up yet? And a chance to win a year-long prize.
Did you know that there’s a Soul-Sized Living podcast? And I am humbled by how many people listen to it each month. In case you haven’t caught it yet, the latest episode talks about:
- How moving from living in your head to living in your heart can shift your experience of life – RIGHT NOW!
- How a daily gratitude habit can make a massive difference
- 10 Things you can do – today – to spread a wave of gratitude around your world.
- Plus plenty of bonus resources, to help you create shifts today.
Here’s where you can listen online – and there is also a link for you to subscribe via iTunes, so you always get the latest episode: https://www.clarejosa.com/podcast/004/
Listen to the latest podcast episode and leave a comment at the bottom of the web page, letting me know how you got on with the techniques and insider secrets it shares – one lucky person will be selected, at random, on November 1st 2013 to win a year’s membership of the Happiness Experimenters’ Mastermind Group. It doesn’t matter if you’re already a member – your prize will be added to the end of your current month. And if the group’s not for you, you can ‘gift’ your prize to someone you love.
Miracle Of Gratitude
Last call to join the Inner Circle
You might remember the Miracle Of Gratitude project – well we’re closing the doors on the next wave of the Inner Circle this week and it won’t reopen until (most likely!) spring or early summer next year. So if you want to be part of this amazing shift-creating work, please join in today, while you still can. I promise you it will change your life over the coming months. If living from a place of gratitude is where you’d like to be, then it would be fantastic to have you join us. Consider this your last call for 2013! See you there?
Dates for your diary:
- Monday evenings & Thursday mornings from November 2013 – Meditation & Mindfulness & NLP!
- Thursday evenings – Dru Yoga
- Living From Your Heart – One-day workshop in January 2014 – spaces will be limited, so if you might be interested, please email hello@clarejosa.com to let me know and I’ll send you full details, once they’re finalised – plus you’ll get priority booking!
Limited places left for these – please email hello@clarejosa.com if you’d like to book your place.
That’s all for now.
I hope you have enjoyed this month’s magazine.
Wishing you sunshine and laughter for the coming month,