I'm so excited to get to share this course with you. But first, here are three quick wins you can do right now. Plus there's already an email waiting for you in your inbox, letting you know how you can dive in with this training.
x Clare
Three Quick Wins
Let Me Into Your Inbox (Please!)
Make sure you actually get the emails that are part of your membership by adding my email address - hello @ clarejosa . com to your whitelist / address book / non-promo folder in Google etc. I do my best, but this helps make sure they get past your spam filter. There's already an email in there waiting for you.
Join Our Facebook Group
My Inner Circle Facebook Group is ready and waiting for you. If you're not already a member of my Inner Circle, you can use this link. There will be a 'join group' button. Click that and answer the questions and we'll get you 'in', asap.
Get The Dates In Your Diary
Want to make sure you catch all of the calls? Get the dates in your diary for the group Q&A calls. Once you've logged in to your training vault (details are in your inbox), you'll find the schedule in your course area.