Life isn’t always rosy. Sometimes the brown stuff hits the fan on a dumper-truck-scale. And it hurts.
But did you know that the pain is triggered by one little word?
And that most of us are falling into this trap, without even realising it?
Want to know how you can set yourself free?
Before I go any further, I need to give you a get-out clause
If you’re still in the ‘head-space’ where you believe that life happens to you and that other people can make you feel angry or hurt or offended, then please stop reading now! You won’t like this article and you’ll only end up throwing rotten tomatoes at me – and it saves us all from trawling through lots of angry comments at the bottom of this page. xx
But if you are even just starting to choose how to respond to life’s ups and downs, believing you are the potential master of your mind and emotions, then you won’t want to miss what’s coming next – read on!
Basically, if we put to one side the impact of our personality, releasing the mind’s stories and beliefs, just for the moment, then each and every aspect of life can be experienced through one of two filters:
Let’s deal with the ‘fear’ first – because it’s where most of us hang out, most of the time.
Fear breeds all of those emotions that make us feel icky.
Fear is the metaphorical compost for seeds of anger, built, resentment, hurt, frustration, bitterness, sadness, worry, insecurity and all of their friends.
When our foundations are laid in fear, our thoughts are filled with fear; our words are filled with fear; our actions are filled with fear.
Whatever the situation, we are more likely to react defensively, even aggressively, acting from a sense of separateness and a belief in lack of abundance. We are more likely to feel unsupported and hard-done-by.
And it gets worse… It’s contagious…
Our fear will be contagious. As those around us react to our fear with their own fear, we will be reinforcing each others’ unconscious needs to protect ourselves with more fear-based thoughts, words and deeds.
And we treat ourselves with fear, too.
If you’re running a strong fear-based habit, you’re likely to be your own biggest critic. YOu’re likely to be running plenty of fear-based limiting beliefs.
You’re more likely to run strategies that have a negative impact on your health – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Sounds pretty icky?
How about bearing all of this in mind, the next time someone behaves unkindly, that they’ll be running these painful patterns, under their mask.
Makes it easier to feel compassion towards them, doesn’t it?
Let’s flip things around – it’s time to look at love.
When our foundations are firmly rooted in love, our thoughts are filled with love; our words are filled with love; our actions are filled with love.
Having your foundations in love gives you a radically different experience of life.
Love supports acceptance, flexibility, ok-ness, compassion, positivity, hope, generosity, happiness, gratitude, joy, abundance, light-heartedness and all of the other emotions that make our hearts sing!
Whatver the situation, we are more likely to respond positively – and be happy with the experience and the outcome – if we come from a place of love, rather than fear – even if we’re making difficult choices.
And it gets better… Your love is contagious…!
Your love will be contagious, as those around you react to your love with their love, connecting heart-to-heart, at the deepest level. You will be unconsciously helping them to give themselves permission to feel happier, more positive, more hopeful and more compassionate.
And you’ll treat yourself with more love, too.
You’re more likely to run an encouraging inner cheer-leader, with more supporting and empowering beliefs. You’re more likely to set healthy boundaries in your relationships and you’ll probably be taking better care of your body, mind and soul.
Imagine a challenging situation that’s running for you at the moment (pick a 2-3 out of 10 for this practice!):
How differently would you handle it if you were coming from the perspective of love?
Please share your insights via the comments – below!
So, the 64 million dollar question:
How do you create the shift from living in a fear-based reality to reconnecting with love?
The best news about all of this is that you are love. It isn’t something we ‘do’ or ‘have’ or ‘get’.
Love is who we are. It’s just that we tend to forget it.
So instead of a massively complex 26-step process to ‘do’, to experience the shift, I’m sharing with you a single sentence mantra that you can say to yourself, to help you make that shift – to reconnect with living from the LOVE at the centre of your being.
“With this breath, I choose to experience life through the love at the centre of my being.”
And if mantras and positive affirmations aren’t your thing, that’s fine! Here’s a question you can ask yourself, instead:
“In this moment, with this next breath, do I choose to experience life through fear or love?”
Make your choice and feel the shift!
With both of these techniques, please play with them and let me know how you get on, via the comments box!
Got a block or objection coming up?
Woo hoo! So you’re human! The Monkey Mind likes to think it runs the show and sometimes it objects, if we interfere and tell it to change old habits…
If a block or objection to this question or mantra is coming up for you, here’s how to turn it on its head:
Ask yourself whether you want to experience that block / objection through fear or love.
If you choose ‘love’, then notice how the old block simply melts away.
And smile, as you wave it goodbye.
You are love. You are not fear.
All this technique is doing is to help you move back to being who you really are. And, I don’t know about you, but I reckon that’s the fabbiest way to change your life!
I would LOVE to hear how you get on with this technique:
- Please share your insights and lightbulbs via the comments – I read them all!
- I’d especially like to know:
When do you most notice your ‘fear-response’ coming up? And how do you handle it?
- If you have any questions about it, how about sharing them and getting answers over at our gorgous online community (Soul-Sized Living members know what I’m taking about)!
- If you enjoyed this article, please share it far and wide with those you love – if it helped you, it’s only fair to let it help them, too! There are Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Email buttons, below.
- And if you like reading this kind of stuff, please make sure you’re getting my free weekly Soul-Sized Living weekly updates, so you are one of the first to know when new stuff gets published here.
I can’t wait to hear where this technique takes you!
With love, Namaste,
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