Welcome to Daily Sunshine.
“Think one person can’t make a difference? Try spending the night in a room with a mosquito.“
Paraphrasing Gandhi!
Most of us have a deep, inner calling to make a difference to the world.
Yet it can be so easy to fall into the trap of thinking “I can’t make a difference” or “who am I to take this on?”.
We can put off our serving of humanity for years, waiting until we feel “ready”.
Yet each of us can make a difference to the world – starting today.
The great thing is we don’t have to start with the big stuff.
We can start with the baby steps that make a difference to the world, one breath at a time.
Even sharing a smile with someone could lift their mood (and yours!) and start making a difference to the world.
Perhaps you could perform a random act of kindness, without expectation of gratitude or anything in return?
The amazing thing is that these baby steps soon build momentum. It becomes easier to see ways in which we – as individuals – could make a difference.
And then taking action becomes something we have to do – overcoming any fears or feelings of inadequacy.
If you have a secret yearning to make a difference to the world, one of the best ways to start is to share that yearning with someone.
It can be hard to open up and tell friends and loved ones, perhaps for fear of ridicule or embarrassment.
So I’m offering you a helping hand this morning.
If you want to change the world – and want to tell someone about it – how about telling me? Making that commitment to get started or up your game?
If you want to go public, you could post your dream on the comments section of today’s blog.
If you want to keep it private, simply let me know by email – via the contact us page.
I would be honoured to support you in any way I can.
The world needs you now. And you will never be more ready than in this moment.
Wishing you a day full of sunshine and laughter.
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