To make sure you get your copy, sign up (free!) today:
See you there!
Dear %%FIRST_NAME%%,
Welcome to the May issue of Soul-Sized Living Magazine.
Those of you who have connected with me on Facebook will know it’s been an interesting few months – with a broken finger and twice-dislocated ankle. It’s taught me a huge amount about slowing down and prioritising (yeah, I used to think I was already a pro. Duh!) I’ll be blogging about that this month, so keep an eye on the articles on the website.
In this month’s magazine we’re talking about:
- how to bust through limiting beliefs
- how to change your life, right here, right now
- the hidden gift in silence
- breaking the addiction of ‘pretending’ to breathe
- how to get your hands (or ears!) on the Soul-Sized Living podcast
- news & discounts on upcoming workshops and online courses – including an exciting new course
- and how to win a copy of my deep relaxation CD ~ Finding Your Inner Stillpoint
I wish you a great month and I hope you enjoy this magazine. As ever, please feel free to get in touch by commenting on the articles, replying to hello@clarejosa.com and, of course, joining in on the forum.
Fed Up Of Being Held Back By Limiting Beliefs?
Here’s how to let go of one in the next sixty seconds.
Have you had enough of not being able to turn your dreams into reality, because you’re blocking and sabotaging your progress? Are you ready to have a clear-out and move on up to the next level? Chances are, a belief is to blame…
Beliefs, like clothes, were never intended to be worn forever. If they’re tired out and no longer fit, it’s time to say goodbye!
Here’s my favourite sixty second process for clearing out a limiting belief – a long-cherished excuse – and setting yourself free to move closer to the life you have been dreaming of. And there’s even a bonus audio, to walk you through the process, exclusively for Soul-Sized Living Members.
Note: your user ID is your email address and your password is %%PASSWORD%%.
Say Goodbye To Limiting Beliefs
Is It Time To Stop ‘Pretending’ To Breathe?
Turn things around with a 3 minute belly-breathing meditation
Most of us are just ‘pretending’ to breathe. We have trained ourselves to do just enough to survive. But most of us aren’t breathing properly. We’re denying our bodies the oxygen-rich fuel they crave, which has implications for our health – physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s a major cause of stress, fuzzy thinking, exhaustion and even irritability. Fortunately all you need to do, to turn things around, is to take 10 deep breaths.
Here’s how: 3 Minute Belly Breathing Meditation
3 Things You Could Do To Change Your Life Today
And they all take less than five minutes.
It can feel like we have to wait to find the ‘right’ seminar or read the ‘right’ book or search out the ‘right’ guru.
It’s almost like we’re abdicating our life change to someone or something ‘out there’, who will suddenly ‘make things better’.
But there are 3 simple things you could do today, to make shifts in your life. And they all take less than 5 minutes.
Interested? 3 Things You Could Do To Change Your Life Today
Why Are We So Scared Of Silence?
Discover its hidden gift.
You get home from work and almost before your coat is off and the keys are hung up, the radio is on.
You go to a friend’s for coffee and the TV is on in the background.
You sit in your car and give in to an almost physical need to tune in to your favourite station or listen to some music.
What’s going on?
Why are we so scared of silence? And what is its hidden gift?
Time For The Soul-Sized Living Podcast?
After just 3 episodes, it’s already one of iTunes’ top choices!
Did you know that there’s a Soul-Sized Living Podcast?
To be honest, setting it up was a bit of a comfort-zone-trasher, but it’s there now! And I’m feeling totally humbled by how many people are already listening to it – and feeding back how it’s helping them. After just 3 episodes, it’s already been listed by iTunes as one of its top spirituality podcasts, worldwide.
Feels a bit scary!
So if you’d like to make sure you’re getting your copy, you can either sign up via iTunes: Soul-Sized Living Podcast
Or you can catch it on my website: Clare’s Podcasts
What’s On In May & June?
A quick round-up of events and online courses – plus a members-only discount.
- Here’s a quick link to the calendar for upcoming events and workshops.
- June sees a new Monday evening meditation course and there are still a couple of spaces.
- Peter’s Dru Yoga Classes will be running on Thursday evenings, from June, near East Grinstead.
- I’m also debating running a ten week deep relaxation course. Please let me know (reply to this email) if you’d be interested.
- Plus I’m planning a ten week NLP Diploma course – running either one evening a week or for four Saturdays. Again, please let me know if you’d like to join in.
- For those of you who aren’t near Forest Row (East Sussex, UK), perhaps you’d like to join in with the onlne version of the 28 Day Meditation Challenge? As a thank you for being a member of Soul-Sized Living, remember that our Conscious Pricing policy means you can choose how much you donate :-):
P.S. Don’t want to do it online? You can get the book for just £8.99
- Vibrant For Life!
Join in on this two-day mini-retreat, with yoga, meditation, NLP and delicious raw food treats.
Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th June 2013.
Only 8 spaces.
Book now.
The Soul-Sized Living Guide To Changing Your Life
The world around us is changing at a rate that means we need to be changing, too, to stay half a step ahead.
Over the past few years, I have developed some wonderful techniques, to help me make the changes I needed in my life.
For the first time ever, I’m going to be sharing these with you.
I’m calling it the “Soul-Sized Living Guide To Changing Your Life”.
Members of this course will get their hands on weekly projects, resources and inspiration, to help you build strong foundations and then make the shifts you are looking for. The course lasts a year, at the end of which you’ll really ‘get’ what’s meant by inner peace, being able to choose how to repond to life and moving into living your life’s purpose – your dharma.
The course launches on 1st June 2013 and initial membership is by invitation only.
If you’d like to have a chance to be one of those who takes part, please contact me to let me know and I’ll make sure you get an exclusive invitation.
See you there!
Win A Copy Of “Finding Your Inner Stillpoint”
FIVE copies up for grabs.
It’s easy!
Everyone who joins in on the Soul-Sized Living Forum between now and 25th May will be entered into a draw to win a copy of the deep relaxation CD “Finding Your Inner Stillpoint”.
Perhaps you’d like to pop by and introduce yourself? Maybe you’d like to share some ideas for how to change your life? Would you like to recommend a book for our virtual book club? Or join in the discussion on any of the articles or podcasts.
Winners will be picked at random and results will be published in the June 2013 edition of Soul-Sized Living Magazine. Enjoy!
Next Time…
In June we’ll be talking about:
- how to stop, when the world is screaming at you to keep going
- the hidden risks of judging others – and how to break the habit
- why what you eat impacts how you feel – and why it could be your missing link
- how to bring that ‘summer holiday feeling’ back home with you
- plus more life-changing articles and special offers for members – plus another members-only competition
If you were forwarded this by a friend and would like to guarantee your own copy next time, here’s where you can sign up : Join Soul-Sized Living today.