Think about it: why do we compare ourselves with others?
Maybe it’s because it’s what we were taught to do at school, if we grew up with tests and class rankings?
Maybe it’s something we learned at home, by being compared with siblings?
Maybe it’s something we learned at work, with competition for the best jobs and pay rises?
Whatever the reason, comparing ourselves with others only leads to unhappiness because there are only two possible results:
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- You’ll feel superior – which means you’re saying the other person isn’t as good as you, which isn’t exactly a great basis for a relationship. And it invites others to compare themselves to and criticise you.
- You’ll feel inferior – and we all know what that does to our confidence and self-esteem… If you’re lucky, you might use the comparison as motivation to improve the person you are, but most of us would use it to beat ourselves up… Our inner critic thrives on this!
Comparing ourselves to others is something we all do, but it’s just the ego’s way of creating our identity from the things which are OUTSIDE of us. We can’t change any of those. And we don’t really know what’s going on for the other person at a deeper level.
All we see is the version of reality which is filtered by our ego. Sure, they might have a bigger house, car or pay cheque, but they might feel miserable and unfulfilled inside.
The soul creates its identity from the things which are INSIDE of us, which ultimately leads to a higher level of happiness. You are who you are. Accepting and loving yourself for who you are, right now, is a path to inner peace and happiness.
So my invitation to you today is…
…whenever you notice you’re comparing yourself to someone else, just stop, take a deep breath in and out, and send them love and gratitude, instead.
Just notice how quickly that makes you feel happier!
Once you’ve tried it out, how about sharing your experiences via the comments box?