Want to know how to stop stressing out in the next 60 seconds? Discover for yourself how 3 mindful breaths have the power to turn things around.
Welcome to episode 1 of the Monday Morning Mindfulness podcast. One of the things I have discovered over the past 15 years of mentoring entrepreneurs, passionate world-changers and business owners is how most of us are super-stressed, feeling overwhelmed and running on empty. And as a busy mum of 3 young boys, I know how juggling a heavy ‘to do’ list can create problems.
As a qualified Meditation Teacher, I know that regular meditation and deep relaxation can be the antidote to this – but most of us are convinced we don’t have enough time. So I created Monday Morning Mindfulness for you, to take that excuse away! If you can find sixty seconds in your day to practise these techniques, they will make a profound difference for you. And what better way to start your week?
In today’s instalment we’re doing a mindfulness technique that is so fundamental, it should perhaps be called ‘step zero’. Three mindful breaths has the power to bring you out of your thinking mind and back into this moment. And it only takes a few seconds.
Once you’ve played with this a few times, it’s a game-changer – you’ll be anchored in to the breath bringing you back, mindfully, into your body, reducing your stress levels and helping you to think more clearly.
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Want to know how to stop stressing out in the next sixty seconds?
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This Week’s Affirmation:
With 3 mindful breaths, I can let go of stress.
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Want to be able to remember how to stop stressing out in under sixty seconds, whenever you need it?
Register for my Monday Morning Mindfulness newsletter and get a downloadable cheat sheet and exclusive MP3 for today's technique, as my gift. With love, Clare xx
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Got questions? Love these? Here’s where we’re talking about them I’d love to hear from you. xx Clare
How did you get on? What did you notice?
How might you remind yourself to do this technique to help you stop stressing out? How could you play with this today – and each day – for the rest of this week?
Got questions? Insights? Lightbulbs? I’d love to hear from you, via the comments!
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And if you found this episode of Monday Morning Mindfulness useful, please share it far and wide via social media with any friends and loved-ones who might enjoy it – and who secretly need to stop stressing out. Thank you!
With love, Namaste,
Mentor To Entrepreneurs & Passionate World-Changers
Author of 52 Mindful Moments and the 28 Day Meditation Challenge
P.S. This technique is one of the 52 inspirational mindfulness techniques I cover in my book 52 Mindful Moments. If you’d like all of them, you can buy your copy today here.
Want instant access to a PDF download of the book AND a downloadable MP3 of each sixty second technique, so you’ve got them with you, whenever and wherever you are? Plus gift access to exclusive online Masterclasses Clare Josa runs on meditation and mindfulness? Here’s where to grab your 52 Mindful Moments VIP Package.