Those who know me know all too well how much I adore coffee.
I have been known to make a 20 mile detour in the middle of a mountain-trekking holiday, to get to the nearest coffee shop for a fix…
And even though I love camping, I never go without the ability to make fresh coffee for breakfast – no matter how small the tent or how rural the campsite 😉
I’m also famous for my regular attempts to give up coffee. I tend to do pretty well for the first week or two – making it through the detox stage and beyond, but then willpower fails me and I’m back on 4 mugs a day of freshly ground coffee…
Aside: Want to know – How long does it take to break a habit?
Why would I give up something I love?
Because I’d like to kick the habit. I’d like to get back to enjoying a coffee every now and then, whenever I choose, rather than it being a permanent feature of my mornings.
Also I would drink more water, which would be good for me.
Plus caffeine is a drug and isn’t great for your system.
So there are lots of reasons to give up – at least for a while!
Anyway, I’ve decided to use the excuse of Lent as a reason to give up coffee for the next 6 weeks. And I’ll be keeping a mood diary, to test out the hypothesis that giving up coffee makes you happier – watch the blog for updates!
Why am I going to succeed this time, where previous attempts have exposed my shocking lack of willpower?
Because this time I’m giving myself the added incentive of raising money for my favourite charity, Action Against Hunger, and their End Child Hunger Campaign.
I know we’re in the middle of a credit crunch and times are tight… But how often do we spend money on a latte or cappuccino, with scarcely a thought?
Perhaps you might consider giving up your coffee today and making a donation to Action Against Hunger, instead?
Either way, thank you for your support and watch this space for regular reports from coffee-free-Clare!
Wishing you smiles and sunshine,
Clare x
P.S. If you’d like to join in and give up coffee for a while – or even get sponsored for it – how about signing up in the Giving Up Coffee discussion on our Facebook fan page?
P.P.S. I’d love to hear your thoughts, tips and ideas via the comments box below!