Have you ever wondered how to spot someone who meditates regularly? Perhaps you know someone who does and you’ve noticed how they’re different to other people? Here are five tell-tale signs that someone has a regular meditation practice – and perhaps they might inspire you to join in?
Meditation is something that is open to everyone. Sometimes we call it mindfulness, but it’s essentially the practice of quietening your racing thoughts and reconnecting with you inner still point, in the present moment.
Some people who meditate do so for hours at a time. Others for just a few minutes a day. Others practice mindfulness during their daily activities. Whichever route they choose, there are some tell-tale signs that tip you off about their habit.
How To Spot Someone Who Meditates Regularly

- People who meditate regularly tend to get less lost in the drama of life than those who don’t.
They seem to ride the waves of emotional situations more easily. It doesn’t mean they appear ’emotionally numb’, (that’s technically referred to as a ‘spiritual bypass’). Instead they are more able to easily handle their experience of life and seem to get less stressed about the small stuff. - Regular meditators smile more.
Meditating doesn’t need to turn you into Pollyanna. It’s not about ‘pretending’ that everything is ok (back to the old ‘spiritual bypass’), but it does mean that you find it easier to let go of the ‘yucky stuff’ and smile about what is going well in the present. - Regular meditators have a twinkle in their eye.
They have a stronger life-force than most and a twinkle in their eye that helps those around them to feel less stressed and more calm. They lift your spirits, rather than draining them. They spread a contagious wave of peace and ‘ok-ness’, wherever they go. - They seem more solid and grounded than most people
Somehow they’re more ‘connected’, more ‘present’, more ‘here’ than most. Yes, some meditators seem to be ‘on another planet’, in which case this won’t apply to them! But most use meditation as a means to come back to the present moment, rather than escape it. - Regular meditators make different decisions.
The personal awareness and insights you gain from regular meditation mean that meditators make different decisions to most other people. They make more conscious choices about what they read, what they watch, who they listen to, what they eat, what they do with their spare time, how they work. It doesn’t mean that non-meditators are making ‘bad’ choices, but watch how people who meditate regularly live and you might be surprised at the small changes which can make a big difference.
I’m curious: how about sharing via the comments box, below…
Do you know anyone who meditates regularly?
How can you tell?
How differently do they react in times of stress?
And what would it take to inspire you to allow meditation to become part of your daily life?
You might be surprised how much difference even ten minutes a day could make. 🙂