How many times do I hear it? “I don’t have time to change my life!” Whether it’s from clients, students, my family or even that voice in my head, lack of time is the most common excuse for not making changes in our lives. But what if I told you that it’s not true; that it’s just an excuse? And that changing your life doesn’t need to take any longer than drinking a cup of tea?
Each and every one of us has the time we need to change our lives.
(Go on! Throw those rotten tomatoes at me!)
I mean it (the time bit, not the tomatoes ).
You have the time you need.
How do I know that?
Because you have time to drink a cup of tea. And that’s way more time than it takes to change your life.
Changing your life doesn’t start with actions, it starts with thoughts.
And how long does it take to think a thought?
Not long.
Want to try it out now?
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- Pause for a moment, and think of a change you want to make in your life.
- Imagine having made that change. Really let go of objections, disbelief or rational thinking for this. Just let yourself imagine having made that change.
- Allow a sense of how it feels to have made that change to wash through you, gently filling each cell of your body with that feeling.
- Now let your mind think a thought that the person who has made that change would be thinking… And another one… And another one…
- Rest in those thoughts, in that feeling, for the next few moments.
- What did you notice? How could this help you today and as you move through making that change?

There you go – moments, not minutes. Less time than it takes to drink a cup of tea.
Imagine doing this each time you drink during your day.
Can you imagine how quickly this could change your life?
Want to give it a go? Let me know how you get on, via the comments box, below!
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