Two Chapters From
Dare To Dream Bigger
The 'inside work' handbook for entrepreneurs & passionate world-changers
- Try it on for size: try before you buy - get a feel for whether the inspirational strategies I'm sharing are a great fit for you. I'm hoping this free sample will inspire you to dive in and Dare To Dream Bigger, to make a bigger difference in the world, whether or not you choose to buy the complete book.
- Complete and unedited: you get the first 47 pages of this gorgeous 320 page book, complete with the insight-packed exercises that form the foundation of your Dare To Dream Bigger journey. I'm holding nothing back with this free sample.
- An extra gift: I'm also giving you membership of the Readers' Club, even though you're only reading a free sample of the book, so you can see for yourself the incredible resources and support that are waiting there for you.
Read the first two chapters for FREE:
What People Are Saying
”Clare has the perfect recipe: guiding you through the topics with simple tools and techniques to open your mind and search for yourself the areas you want to work with.”
”She also provides her unique and compelling experiences, to help you understand, contextually, how to use her tools.”
Nicky Harverson
Owner Of MyFit Coaching
“Clare has a way of explaining things, so you create breakthroughs.”
”Working with Clare has been the difference between being stuck and frustrated and being on the path to creating my dream business and life.”
Rosie Slosek
Founder of One Man Band Accounting
”It really helps to break down the growth process step by step. It is incredibly clarifying - the de-cluttering step is inspiring when you think about the room that you are creating in your life to welcome bigger things. It has methodical steps but doesn't box you in to following the same path as everyone else - it provides a practical guide for your growth.”
”I would recommend it to anyone wanting to reach their full potential, whether that is in business or in general life. If you feel like you're not living the way your soul wants you to - read this book!”
Lexi Louise
Founder of #BirthTribe
“I had reached an impasse in my writing and my editing business. It had become far too easy to find excuses NOT to do something. Clare's book has not only started me dreaming again, but has inspired me to take action, something I hadn't done in some time. I am dealing with clutter (inside and outside!) and have had a serious talking-to with my inner critic. She is much more subdued now, and no longer interferes with my writing, which she was wont to do!“
“And several editing requests have suddenly come my way.“
“I would recommend Dare to Dream Bigger to anyone who is bogged down by doubts and inertia, yet wants to get back into "inspired action". Clare's wise and readable book will help you make that step. Thank-you, Clare!”
Renate Ford
Professional Writer & Editor