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Woo hoo! Welcome to Gratitude Activities For Kids!
Hopefully you have had your first week’s email by now – but just in case it hasn’t arrived yet, here’s a list of each week’s project. Note: you can’t jump ahead – so don’t worry if the future weeks are looking a bit blank!
- Week One: Start A Gratitude Jar
- Week Two: Five Grateful Thoughts
- Week Three: Turning to Mother Nature
- Week Four: You Are How You Eat
- Week Five: Getting Creative
- Week Six: Thank You Body! (with deep relaxation MP3)
- Week Seven: Breathe in, breathe out!
- Week Eight: Growing roots
- Week Nine: Seeing through the eyes of gratitude
- Week Ten: ‘Gratituding’ your life
And how about joining us over at the members-only forum? It’s a great place to share your experience of the weekly gratitude activities, as well as getting answers to your questions and helping others who might need a bit of moral support. It’s much more fun, when we share the journey!
Gratitude Activities For Kids ~ Forum
As ever, if you have any techy questions, please email a member of my team: hello@clarejosa.com
If you’ve got a gratitude question, please pop by the forum.
Thank you so much for joining in with this course. I really look forward to getting to know you!