Gratitude isn’t an intellectual exercise…
… You need to let yourself feel it.
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Welcome to Day 5 of your 7 Day Gratitude Kick Start programme!
How did you get on with yesterday’s technique – saying ‘thank you’ for every-day objects? Any insights? Any questions? I’d love to hear from you, over at your members-only forum: Gratitude For Everyday Objects!
Today I’d like to share with you one of the easiest ways to move your ‘to do’ list from feeling like something you have to force yourself to do, to becoming something you might even look forward to.
How often do we begrudge day-to-day tasks? It is as though we’re saying to the Universe, “No thank you,” yet we still have to do the job.
How often do we do things with a heavy heart? With a sense of resentment? And how does it feel when we do it that way? Do we enjoy it? Does it feel good? Or does the burden become heavy beyond the weight we would expect for such a task? We resent the time it takes.
We all have the same number of minutes in a day. And, within reason, we have a huge amount of choice over how we spend them. The whole concept of ‘have to’ and ‘not enough time’ is a story concocted by the good old Monkey Mind, based on the diet we have fed it over the decades.
The simple act of choosing, instead of feeling obligated, sets you free to experience that everyday task in a revolutionary way.
Add in some gratitude and, instead of being a burden, it becomes a path to freedom.
Instead of feeling grumpy about the task, you can work with it to come back to the present moment, to regain perspective, to practise gratitude and – surprisingly – even to recharge your batteries!
If you don’t enjoy a task, don’t do it.
If that’s not an option, how about choosing to enjoy it?! 🙂
Want to discover how to turn your ‘to do’ list into an uplifting, life-changing experience?
I invite you to pick an everyday task that bugs you a bit. That way you’ll experience the shift this technique creates even more clearly. Choose something you’ll do a number of times this week. Then play with this technique:
Feeling Gratitude For Every-Day Tasks
[audio:http://]- Start by remembering some of the recent times that you have done this task. Remember how it felt. Remember the kinds of thoughts you were thinking, while you are doing it. Remember how your body was feeling, physically, while you’re doing it. Where was it holding tension?
- Now do that task, but instead of feeling obligated, start by saying to yourself: I choose to do this.
- As you carry out the task, wear a gentle smile on your lips, soften your jaw and eyes / eyebrows and, each time an irritated or grumpy thought comes up, say a silent “Thank you.”
- You might find it helps to use the ‘thank you’ mantra slowly throughout the task.
- Allow yourself to be fully present and aware, experiencing the task with all of your senses.
- When you have finished, pause and say a heart-felt “thank you” to yourself, for having completed the task.
How different did that feel? Let it build up over the weeks, rather than analysing it too much.
The main thing is to allow yourself to be aware of the shifts that gratitude and acceptance are creating.
I choose to enjoy the stuff that used to bug me on my ‘to do’ list.

I hope you enjoy today’s gratitude technique!
Remember you can share how you get on with it and get answers to any questions, over at your forum: How to let your ‘to do’ list change your life..
I’ll be back tomorrow, when I’ll be sharing a little-known insider secret to help you create more time in your day – with gratitude!
See you then.