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Want To Keep Going On Your Gratitude Journey?
I just wanted to send you the biggest ever THANK YOU for completing your 7 Day Gratitude Kick Start programme. The ‘future you’ will be doing the most incredible happy dance right now, to celebrate the progress you have made – and the commitment you have shown to creating the future you have been dreaming of.
I truly hope it has helped you and that you are noticing the shifts already. It has been such an honour to be able to share the past week with you. And here’s where you can share your insights, your shifts, any surprises and also get answers to your questions:
But I have a confession to make…
What we have covered over the past 7 days is just the beginning of what I have to share with you about how to use gratitude to transform your experience of life. It’s just scratching the surface.
I’ve got so many inspirational ideas in my toolbox which could help you to create massive shifts in your life – in just a few minutes a day, if that’s what you want.
I would LOVE to continue to support you and hopefully inspire you on your Gratitude Journey – and in other areas of your life. So scroll down for some ideas of how we could keep working together – if that’s what your heart is calling you to do – I’m so excited about this.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your gratitude journey so far – and I’d be honoured to continue walking by your side.
With love, Namaste,
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3 Ideas To Inspire Your Journey
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Start a gratitude journal
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]If you’re ready to commit to creating the future you have been dreaming of, then a brilliant first step is to start a gratitude journal.
I first published my gratitude journal in 2013 and I’m honoured to say it has been a consistent best-seller. Readers often love it so much that they buy a copy for their friends.
Of course, you get the space you need to write down what you feel grateful for each day. But you also get affirmations, inspirational gratitude quotes and fortnightly projects, to help you easily weave gratitude into your daily life.
Here’s where to order your gratitude journal
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A Year Full Of Gratitude
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]If you have enjoyed the Gratitude Kick Start, and want to dive in more deeply, then the Year Full Of Gratitude online programme would be ideal.
It builds on the projects from my gratitude journal and brings you a weekly video, full of practical and inspirational ‘how to’, to make gratitude a core part of your daily life.
I have been blown away by the shifts people have created in their lives with this programme. And if you’d like to experience that for yourself, too, here’s where to register:
A Year Full Of Gratitude Online Programme
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Get off the emotional rollercoaster
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]One of the things that gratitude can really help with is getting off the emotional rollercoaster.
If that’s an issue for you, the great news is that there’s so much more I can offer you to help! Find out for yourself why so many people have loved the 14 day Master Your Emotions Kickstart Programme – and how it has made a practical difference in their lives in just the first few days.
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And of course, remember we’ve got our Authentically Awesome Facebook group.
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