Thank you so much for registering to get instant access to my masterclass on how to help people with Imposter Syndrome, burnout and toxic resilience.
Keep an eye on your inbox, because there's an email waiting for you with the replay link and the password for that page. It's from hello @ clarejosa . com (please check your spam / promo folder and get in touch if you can't find it).
In the meantime, please could you do these three quick wins?
I can't wait to share this with you!
Three Quick Wins
Let Me Into Your Inbox (Please!)
Make sure you actually get the emails that are part of this masterclass by adding my email address
hello @ clarejosa . com - to your whitelist / address book / non-promo folder in Google etc. I do my best, but this helps make sure they get past your spam filter.
Block Out Time In Your Diary
This masterclass lasts 70 minutes. You can watch it in chunks. But please block out time in your diary now to do this - otherwise... well, we all know how rarely we watch replays! And this masterclass can't help you if you don't watch it.
Who Else Might Love To Join Us?
Know anyone else who might love to get access? Please share the registration link with them:
It could make such a difference for them. Thank you!