Welcome to the Imposter Syndrome masterclass for coaches and mentors. On this page you will find:
Before you start, please download the workbook that accompanies this training, to help you to get the most from it.
Then dive in and hit play!
Feel free to pause at any time when you want to think about some of the concepts more fully or deep-dive on the self-mentoring questions in the workbook. And I can't wait to hear what actions you're going to take, as a result of this session!
x Clare
PS Got friends or colleagues who might love this? Please share this link with them: www.ClareJosa.com/forcoaches/
At the end of the masterclass, I talk briefly (it's just a minute, not a half-hour sales pitch!) about my Certified Imposter Syndrome Master Coach programme.
It's for experienced coaches and mentors (at least two years under your belt).
Might that be a great next step for you? Here's where to find out more and how to apply.
Interested In Becoming A Certified Imposter Syndrome Master Coach?
There Are Only 8 Places In Each Cohort
The quickest way to get answers is to download and read the prospectus.
Then if you don’t have the information you need, you can email Clare at hello@clarejosa.com and we will respond within 1 working day.
How To Earn Back Your Investment
I know that this programme can feel like a big investment, both of time and financially. So here are some ideas for how you can earn back your investment, even before you certify.
Plus there are case studies from current programme students on how they have done exactly this.
Apply To Become A Certified Imposter Syndrome Master Coach