Thank you so much for registering to join my International Women's Day 2023 Masterclass.
Keep an eye on your inbox, as I'll be sending you all the details you need ahead of the Masterclass on Thursday, 9th March, including an important 'next step' you could take today, which only takes five minutes and can help you start making progress on this, even before the live event.
In the meantime, please could you do these three quick wins?
I can't wait to share this with you!
PS It's absolutely free to join us live - my gift to you for IWD2023.
Q: Is There A Replay?
If you need replay access, you can upgrade to get this as my gift, as a bonus thank you for pre-ordering the audiobook for Ditching Imposter Syndrome here, as part of our launch celebrations. The audiobook is due out on March 10th, and it's the perfect next step after this IWD2023 session. The link above gets you a £20 discount, to celebrate IWD2023.
Three Quick Wins
Let Me Into Your Inbox (Please!)
Make sure you actually get the emails that are part of this masterclass by adding my email address
- hello @ clarejosa . com - to your whitelist / address book / non-promo folder in Google etc. I do my best, but this helps make sure they get past your spam filter.
Get It In Your Diary
This training will be on Thursday 9th March at 2pm UK / 9am EST and will last about an hour. Please book it out in your diary now. The Zoom link will be with you a few days beforehand.
Who Else Might Love To Join Us?
Know anyone else who might love to be part of this? Please share the registration link with them:
It could make such a difference for them. Thank you!