Looking for meditation and mindfulness classes and workshops near Forest Row and East Grinstead? Here’s what’s on in the next few months.
Weekly Meditation & Mindfulness Classes near Forest Row

Is it time to tame your grasshopper mind?
Enjoy a unique and inspiring blend of meditation, mindfulness, deep relaxation, NLP and light-hearted, spirituality-based common sense.
Clare’s Summer 2014 term of meditation & more… classes is filling up fast, so please contact her today if you’d like a place.
Classes will be on Tuesday evenings from 8-9:30 pm with regular weekend workshops and mini-retreats.
They are held near Forest Row & East Grinstead, in East Sussex.
Find Out More / Reserve Your Place
Want to find out more? Forest Row Meditation Classes.
Ready to book? Please call Clare’s office on 020 8798 0903. Or you can register online: Register for a class now.
Can’t Make It To A Class? Online Meditation & Mindfulness Course

Join the hundreds who have already joined in with the 28 Day Meditation Challenge this year.
Sign up today and get your hands on:
- daily motivational emails
- a bespoke meditation MP3 each week
- quick fix videos, covering common meditation challenges
- and even a members-only group forum, to keep you on track.
See you there! 28 Day Meditation Challenge
Meditation & Mindfulness Articles and Resources
Check out the latest meditation and mindfulness articles and resources from Clare Josa.