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And in the meantime, here are 3 quick wins:
Emails: Important!
Make sure your training emails make it past your spam filter / firewall by adding hello@clarejosa.com to your approved sender list / dragging me out of your promo folder in gmail.
Get ten minutes a day in your diary to get the most from this training. Day one's lesson is already waiting for you in your inbox! And you'll get a new lesson every 24 hours for the next five days.
Know others who might love to take this first step towards ditching Imposter Syndrome? Please let them know they can join us here: https://www.clarejosa.com/myths/
Plus I've Got A Surprise Bonus Gift For You!
Spotting and clearing out your Imposter Syndrome Myths is step one of my five-step process to set yourself free from Imposter Syndrome.
And to wrap up the 5-day challenge, I'm giving you a free 60-minute masterclass on step two: Taming Your Inner Critic.
Details on how to watch it are in your inbox now.