Look around you next time you’re out and about in a busy street. Even when people are lost in their own thoughts, not talking to anyone else, their face tells a story. It tells the story of what their typical thoughts have been about. It shows you which thoughts and emotions they have practised most often, over the years. Check it out – our favourite emotional states are written on our faces for all to see.
Our ‘relaxed state’ facial expression is a scarily public indicator of our inner emotional state. Happy people have happy faces. Sad people have sad faces. Grumpy people have grumpy faces.
When you get older, which kind of face would you rather have? The one that is furrowed with worry lines and frown grooves? Or the one with crow’s feet and laughter lines?
We can choose which face we want to wear. [Read more…] about Which Face Will You Choose Today? Why It Might Be The Most Important Decision You Make.