The recent developments in the ‘War On Terror’ got me thinking about World Peace – something I do pretty often. But this time from a different angle.
Who do most of us think is responsible for creating World Peace? Who is responsible for the ‘un-peace’ that surrounds us? When is it ever going to change?
The answers to these questions might just hold the magic key to changing the world. Want to find out more?
Whose Job Is It, Anyway?
If you stopped 20 people in the street and asked them, “Who is responsible for creating World Peace?”, the majority would answer along similar lines:
- The government
- The United Nations
- Various charities
If you were to ask those same people, “Who is responsible for the ‘un-peace’, the war, that surrounds us?”, most would give the same answers.
- The government
- The United Nations
- Various charities
- Not me!
Those who have given it some thought might throw in the objection:
What difference can I make? I’m just one person!
The problem is that war – like peace – is contagious.
Our governments might decide who our allies and enemies are, on a global scale, but they can’t actually force any one of their citizens to agree with them – or propagate hate and fear in our hearts. Only we can let them do that. No matter how hard it might seem, we always have a choice.
We might not be able to change world events, but we can influence our own experience of life – and set an example to those around us. In fact, that’s the only thing we can change.
Peace, like war, is contagious.
If you spend time with someone who is feeling cross and aggressive, then it’s all to easy to leave that person feeling the same way, ourselves.

Likewise, if we spend time with someone who is genuinely at peace, it touches a place of stillness, deep within us, where we can also feel that peace.
“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” ~ HH Dalai Lama
While we walk around, holding anger in our hearts, that’s one less being who is at peace.
Inner peace is contagious.
Inner war is contagious.
But, while most of us have been trained to be good at reacting and seeking ‘justice’, few of us have ever been taught how to stay with that still point inside, however turbulent the waves. It’s as though we’re taught, “Drama is good. Calm is bad.”
Gandhi teaches that changing the world is an inside job:
“Be the change you wish to see.” ~ Gandhi
There’s no point complaining and expecting organisations you can’t control (like the government) to change the world. It starts with us. Unless we take personal responsibility for our thoughts, words and deeds, we’ll still be in the same position (or worse!) in decades to come.
If we want World Peace, we need to cultivate Inner Peace.
The impact can be dramatic.
- Until we can be accepting – non-judgemental – of the choices that others make, we will never move towards World Peace.
- Until we can find it within our hearts to respond from love, not fear, to the events around us, we will never move towards World Peace.
- Until we can learn to forgive, rather than condemn, (ourselves, as well as others!), we will never move towards World Peace.
War and conflict start with petty grievances, resentments and bitterness. Like a snowball rolling down a winter slope, these hurts grow and gather momentum, until all sense of perspective is lost.
World Peace is an inside job.
And we can start today.
How about playing with this one?
- Think about a resentment you have been holding about something someone has said or done to you.
- Whilst no one is asking you to condone that action, is holding on to that resentment really helping you?
- Could you find it within your heart to let it go, even just for one minute?
- And then for one more minute? And then one more?
- Taking 3 deep breaths, focus on the space around your heart and allow it to soften a little, releasing any tension. Allow a warm, golden glow to spread throughout your body. And know that you have taken a step towards inner peace – and changing the world.
Thank you!
With love, Clare x
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