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Rebalance Your Life!

Join us in Turkey in October 2014Join Us For An Inspirational And Nurturing Life-Changing Retreat In Turkey – October 2014

Join us for a week of 5* all-inclusive nurturing, with daily yoga, meditation, mindfulness and NLP-based inspiration, to help you recharge your batteries and press the spiritual ‘reset button’ on your life – laying the foundations for creating the life of your dreams.

And your family is welcome to join you! Partners and children can either join in with the retreat or kids can join in with the professional Kids’ Club at the hotel – and partners can relax and enjoy the beach, the pools and the local activities. There will be plenty of free time for you to holiday, as well taking part with the retreat.

When: October 1/2 term 2014 – From Morning: Sunday October 26th (i.e. you’ll want to arrive the night before) to Evening: Thursday 30th October
Where: Luxury 5* hotel in Dalaman, Turkey
Who with: Led by Clare Josa (Author, NLP Trainer, Meditation Teacher and reformed Mechanical Engineer) and Peter Briant (Yoga Teacher, Shiatsu & Bowen Therapist, Conscious Accountant)

Clare Josa - Author, NLP Trainer, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher
Clare Josa
Peter Briant Yoga Teacher, Shiatsu Therapist, Bowen Therapist
Peter Briant
Rebalance Your Life! is a unique blend of NLP, Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga, practical spirituality and light-hearted fun, led by Clare Josa and Peter Briant. Discover how easily you can let go of what has been stressing you, create clarity about what you want from life and move towards consciously creating it – easily.

What We’ll Be Sharing With You

Your day will start with an early-ish morning pre-breakfast yoga session – even if you don’t feel like it when you wake up, this session will really wake you up and revitalise you, as well as help you to shift any blocks in your body, mind and emotions.
For kids, there will be an optional children’s yoga and movement session

Enjoy an amazing gourmet breakfast - after your early morning yoga, of course!
Enjoy an amazing gourmet breakfast – after your early morning yoga, of course!
After breakfast, there is a morning session, which will vary each day but will include a blend of NLP (‘practical psychology’), ancient wisdom, meditation and mindfulness. These sessions form the core of the teaching on the retreat.

After a break, there will be a further one-hour morning session, which will be light-hearted and practical, for you to get to apply what you learned in the earlier session. This is vital, to help your body, mind and soul ‘get’ the shifts you’re making. 🙂

How's this for a spot for an afternoon cuppa?
How’s this for a spot for an afternoon rest?
You get free time after lunch, to enjoy the hotel’s facilities and to allow the morning’s work to sink in.

Then, later in the afternoon, there’s another session, with inspirational techniques and group work, to help you to learn and grow.

On some days, after dinner, there will be optional meditation sessions and satsang (group discussions), for those who want to experience these practices more deeply.

Here’s SOME of what we’ll be covering:

  • How to feel less stressed and reconnect with your inner peace, no matter what is going on in your life.
  • How to ride the wave of emotions, setting yourself free from other people’s drama.
  • Why you (and those other people who are obviously crazy!) do the strange things you do, even when you can see it’s not getting you where you want to be!
  • Why your environment has such an impact on your experience of life – and what you can do about it.
  • How to start dealing with the habits that have got you to where you are now – including how to choose those you want to keep – and what to do to painlessly dump those that need to go.
  • How to handle the thought patterns, limiting beliefs and old excuses that have been supporting you or perhaps holding you back so far. You’ll learn highly practical techniques for dealing with them.
  • Insider secrets, to help you shift towards positive thinking, at times of stress.
  • Take a tour through the obstacle course of our relationships (with others and with yourself), covering strategies for dealing with difficult people. You’ll even discover how those who annoy you most could actually be giving you your biggest ever gift.
  • How to create more time for yourself – and what you really want from life.
  • How to reconnect with the essence of who you really are, feeling happier and more at peace, no matter what is going on around you.
  • Simple, yet transformational, techniques that you can use daily, in just a few minutes, to maintain the shifts you make on the retreat – and to take things further.
  • How to create an inspirational vision for your future – getting clarity about what you want from life and moving towards consciously creating it – easily.

Sessions are timed to fit in with the hotel’s fabulous kids’ club, so that any little ones are well cared for and you can relax and enjoy your retreat.

What’s The Investment

Want to do yoga and mindful walking on this beach?
Want to do yoga and mindful walking on this beach?
Before the retreat:
To help you get the most from this life-changing retreat, there will be some specially designed exercises for you to do, over the coming months.

You’ll be sent these in August and the materials will take you about half a day to work through, then a few minutes, several times a week (or daily) to practice. They’re a vital part of the retreat and are easy and fun to do.

You also get moral support in our friendly online community. There’s a special area, just for people who are joining us in Turkey this year, so you can share your experiences of the pre-retreat materials and get answers to your questions.

We are in the process of negotiating a great discounted rate with the hotel for you – we’ll be able to let you know exactly how to book, in June. Their typical ALL INCLUSIVE rate is around £100 per person per night, if sharing, or about £150-£200 per night for a family of 4. That’s less than the typical cost of a B&B in the UK – yet you get 5* all inclusive 🙂

Because everyone’s needs are different – and because some people will want to travel on their own, whilst others will be bringing the whole family, we are asking you to book your accommodation yourself, so that we don’t ‘get in the way’ or over-complicate things. But please wait until we can give you the code for your discounted rate, so we can make it really easy for you!

In the meantime, to get an idea of the hotel’s typical room rates, here’s where you can get a rough idea of the maximum accommodation cost for you and your family: Hilton Dalaman.

You will also need to arrange your own flights to Dalaman in Turkey. We can help to arrange group transfers, nearer the time.

What’s Included



The pre-retreat materials – worth at least £295, for the shifts they can help you to make in your life
Worth £295
Worth £295
The full 5-day retreat programme, including early morning yoga, all taught sessions and all satsang sessions
Worth £500
Worth £500
After the retreat – CDs of the key meditations and visualisations, plus online videos for the yoga and energy shift techniques
Worth £100
Worth £100
A gift copy of one of Clare’s books or CDs – you get to choose which one
Worth £15
Worth £15
Gold Level membership of our Soul-Sized Living online community for a full year (usually over £800) cross
Worth £800
A gift place on any one of Clare’s online courses or Inner Circle programmes, taken within 12 months of the end of the retreat (worth up to £497) cross
Worth £497
A 30 minute laser-focus breakthrough mentoring session with Clare (via Skype or face-to-face), after the retreat (usually only available as part of the silver Soul-Sized Mentoring package – to be taken within 6 months of the end of the retreat – this would usually be £147). These are like gold-dust – Clare doesn’t have much availability and you will get to jump to the top of the queue. cross
Total Value
You Pay Just:
£995 £795
Super Early Bird

Note: This is a super-early bird discount, for everyone who books and pays the retreat fee in full by 15th July 2014. And, of course, the sooner you book, the cheaper your room and flights will be.

There will be also an optional 1/2-day excursion (more details soon) which would be about £50 – tbc.

How To Join Us

Fancy a relaxing swim?
Fancy a relaxing swim?
There are only 20 17 places available.
If you feel excited about joining us in October, you can reserve your place by paying a £100 deposit. This holds your place for 14 days, to give you time to confirm hotel and flight details.

If, at that time, you find the details don’t work for you, that’s fine. We will happily refund your deposit, as long as you let us know within 2 weeks, so that we can release your place to someone else.

Is your heart calling you to join in ~ to rebalance life?


Grab your place now by paying a £100 deposit

We would love to share this journey with you!

With love, Namaste,
Clare & Peter

P.S. Got questions? Please get in touch.

Want to meditate under a beach umbrella?
Want to meditate under a beach umbrella?
Want to watch the world go by?
Want to watch the world go by?
Want to do early morning yoga under the palm trees?
Want to do early morning yoga under the palm trees?
Want to spoil yourself with 5* all-inclusive gourmet food?
Want to spoil yourself with 5* all-inclusive gourmet food?
It's not all hard work! In fact, it's not hard work at all!
It’s not all hard work! In fact, it’s not hard work at all!
How's this for a spot for an afternoon rest?
How’s this for a spot for an afternoon rest?
Enjoy an amazing gourmet breakfast - after your early morning yoga, of course!
Enjoy an amazing gourmet breakfast – after your early morning yoga, of course!
Plenty of evening entertainment - or you could just relax.
Plenty of evening entertainment – or you could just relax.
How's this for a view from your bedroom window?
How’s this for a view from your bedroom window?

Learn To Meditate In 2014!

28 Day Meditation Challenge

Want to learn to meditate, but think you don’t have time? Discover how 10 minutes a day can change your life.

Change your lifeWant to feel less stressed? Happier? Healthier? More positive? More calm & relaxed?

In the 28 Day Meditation Challenge Clare Josa shows you how.

Discover how 10 minutes a day of meditation could change your life.

The 28 Day Meditation Challenge is more than just a meditation course.
Yes, it will help you learn to meditate, bringing you the meditation techniques you need, whether you’re a meditation beginner or an old hand rekindling your meditation practice.

But the 28 Day Meditation Challenge goes further than that.

Being taught how to meditate is rarely enough.

It’s knowing how to create the daily meditation habit that makes the difference between a ‘nice idea’ and a strong, sustainable meditation or mindfulness practice.

That’s the key aim of the 28 Day Meditation Challenge.

In the 28 Day Meditation Challenge Clare Josa (an experienced Meditation Teacher and NLP Trainer) demystifies ancient meditation techniques, whilst combining them with an inspired blend of modern psychology, to help you get results that other courses can’t.

She shares with you the secrets to getting started and staying motivated, finding time for your ten minutes a day, no matter how busy life is.

It’s easy, when you know how:

Join the 28 Day Meditation ChallengeMeditate for 10 minutes a day (specially-designed meditation audios & full step-by-step guidance provided).

Read your daily ‘how to’ inspirational email. Experiment with the affirmations. Enjoy the inspirational quotes.

Take action, when you feel inspired.

Ask questions & share your journey with others in the exclusive online forum.

Watch how the 28 Day Meditation Challenge changes your life in subtle, yet profound, ways.


Conscious Pricing

It’s really important to me that everyone can afford to join in with this life-changing course – whilst also making a fair energy exchange.

As with all of my courses, my Conscious Pricing Policy applies to the 28 Day Meditation Challenge – so if you genuinely can’t afford the suggested donation, please contact us to arrange an alternative energy exchange. I trust you to be fair and there’s no judgement.

Get Started Today


28 Day Meditation Challenge Feedback

The 28 day meditation challenge’s approach is unique.

It’s about much more than just meditation!

Of course, it guides, step by step, through the essentials of how to meditate, just as you would expect from a course created by a formally-trained, experienced meditation teacher.

But Clare Josa helps you go further than that – sharing her decades of psychology & NLP expertise (certified NLP Trainer).

In this inspirational, down-to-earth programme, Clare Josa takes you on a powerful journey to free yourself from old excuses, negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs, to enjoy the many scientifically-proven benefits of meditation, no matter how busy your life is.

Drawing from various ancient spiritual traditions, as well as powerful life-changing techniques and practical wisdom, the 28 Day Meditation Challenge has the potential to transform your experience of life – all served up with an upbeat tone, plenty of encouragement and a dollop of humour!

28 Day Meditation Challenge Feedback


It’s up to you how deeply you allow the 28 Day Meditation Challenge to work for you. But in just 28 days, you have the potential to:

Want to feel happier?

  • avoid the most common meditation myths and mistakes that prevent people from being able to benefit from meditation
  • overcome the fears that may have stopped you from making changes in the past
  • learn how to keep yourself motivated, even when you’re not in the mood
  • weave practical relaxation strategies into your day-to-day life
  • discover how to find more time in your day
  • learn how to easily handle common meditation challenges, that could normally de-rail you
  • deal with your meditation excuses, calmly and effectively
  • start to feel more relaxed, less stressed and happier
  • begin to handle your emotions more easily
  • find simple ways of making meditation practice – and its enormous benefits – an integral part of your life

28 Day Meditation Challenge Feedback

What You Get

During the 28 days, you will be guided through four styles of meditation, which progressively help you to lay the foundations for your meditation practice.

The daily emails pre-empt and help you handle the most common pitfalls & mistakes that would usually stop people from creating a meditation habit.

They can also inspire you with practical techniques to deal with stress, worry and emotions in other areas of your life, even when you’re not meditating.

The 28 Day Meditation Challenge is split into four sections:

  1. Week One brings you a breath awareness meditation.
    The daily messages cover busting the #1 meditation myth, how to sit comfortably to meditate, handling your meditation excuses, how to ‘magically’ find more time and how to keep the momentum going.
  2. Week Two takes you into the realm of making friends with your ‘Monkey Mind‘.
    You’ll discover some of the tricks it can play and how you can reclaim control, without turning things into a war. The daily messages cover how to stop others from stealing your meditation time and how to get over an addiction to putting your ‘to do’ list, plus Clare shares insider secrets to fast-track creating any new habit and getting past the ‘meditation hump’.
  3. Week Three brings you practical mindfulness meditation techniques that can transform your experience of life.
    The daily messages include giving you a magic wand to deal with worrying, spilling the beans on how wiggling your butt can help you meditate (really!) and sharing strategies for what to do if meditation stirs that old emotional pot.
  4. Week Four moves into gentle mantra meditation, to help you make subtle, yet profound, changes in your life.
    The daily messages tip you off about the most dangerous word a beginner can use, two little words that could change your life, how to tell whether you’re ‘actually meditating’, how to find the time you need, creating a special meditation space and ideas to help you continue with your meditation journey.


Book vs Kindle vs Online Course – What Do You Get?

Feature Paperback

Kindle Book
& MP3s

Choose donation
Daily Messages
To guide you step-by-step through creating your meditation & mindfulness habit.
Daily Affirmations
To help you stay focussed and to inspire you all day long.
Daily Inspirational Quotes
Download & print out these inspirational images & messages, to help keep you on track.
MP3 Meditations x 4
Listen online or (better!) load onto your iPod or MP3 player.
MP3 Deep Relaxation (23 minutes!)
An essential part of the course (for most of us who are running around on adrenalin and feeling tired!)
CD of Meditations & Deep Relaxation
All the audios for the course, to play on your CD player.
Optional Optional Optional
Bonus Articles
Insider secrets and extra techniques, to help you go deeper, on sections that have inspired you, without overwhelming you.
Daily Messages – Straight To Your Inbox
Get the daily messages emailed to you each morning. It’s a great way to remind you to read them, take action and – importantly – to do your meditation and mindfulness practice! ;-)
Members-Only Forum
Share your journey with other like-minded people, get answers to your questions, share your ‘light bulb’ moments, even make new friends.
It’s like a virtual meditation & mindfulness coach.
Exclusive Videos
Get a deeper understanding of the core techniques with exclusive members-only videos.
Daily Audios (MP3s)
Audio recordings of each day’s message, so you can listen to them, whenever you want to.
Gold Membership Of Soul-Sized Living
A full year’s Gold Membership of our Soul-Sized Living online community (usually £48), plus all of the goodies that go with it.
Membership of the Facebook Fan Page
Join in on our Facebook page, for extra tips and ideas – for fans of the 28 Day Meditation Challenge.
Soul-Sized Living Monthly Newsletter
Get Clare Josa’s Soul-Sized Living newsletter, packed with the latest resources, exclusive competitions & special offers, plus the best from the forums, absolutely free.


28 Day Meditation Challenge Feedback

Being told how to meditate is rarely enough.

Millions of people, over the years, have found that being told how to meditate isn’t enough. You need help to create the habit, too.
Past students on the 28 Day Meditation Challenge have discovered the truth of this – and the fact that just 10 minutes a day can change your life.
The 28 Day Meditation Challenge has helped them to finally achieve the results they were looking for.


Just Imagine…

Whether you’re new to meditation or rekindling an old habit, imagine…

  • being guided, step by step, with daily inspirational emails
  • enjoying a new, tailor-made meditation each week, on MP3 or optional CD
  • having access to exclusive videos, helping you avoid common meditation mistakes
  • breaking through old excuses and limiting beliefs, to make change easy and lasting, with proven psychological strategies in your Welcome Pack and daily emails
  • turning your monkey mind into your friend, rather than continuing to fight and resent it
  • staying motivated and feeling supported by sharing your questions and experiences with others in the members-only online forum

All this, and more, in the comfort of your own home, at times that suit you.
Are you up for it?

28 Day Meditation Challenge Feedback

Want To Join In?

28 Day Meditation Challenge - Kindle Version

28 Day Meditation Challenge Paperback


Here’s where you can get the Kindle version of the 28 Day Meditation Challenge.

Kindle ISBN: 978-1908854278

Here’s where you can get the paperback version of the 28 Day Meditation Challenge.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1908854261


Want To Sign Up For The Online Course?

This course is powerful, though fun and immensely rewarding. It can help you shift your experience of life, to feel happier, more calm, less stressed and more at peace. And it will lay firm foundations for any further meditation practice you choose to follow in the future. Many of the students who have done other meditation courses in the past often report that, with the 28 Day Meditation Challenge, “This time it finally worked.”

If you do the meditations and apply the techniques, then this course will work for you.

BUT: Reading the emails won’t be enough to change your life. You’ll need to take action – when you feel inspired – in order to make those changes. :-)

The 28 Day Meditation Challenge has taken over a thousand hours to create and is based on many years of teaching (and still studying!) life-changing techniques. So it’s not a ‘freebie course’.

28 Day Meditation Challenge Feedback


What’s The Investment?

Expect to spend 10-15 minutes a day on the 28 Day Meditation Challenge – that includes time to read each day’s message, as well as time for your meditation.

If that’s too much for you, you might prefer my weekly mindfulness course, which comes in 5 minute segments, once a week, but it takes a full year, instead of 28 days ;-) 52 Mindful Moments.

From the feedback I have had from students of the 28 Day Meditation Challenge, I know how easily it can help people make shifts in their life, even in the first few days.

And I want to make it accessible to everyone.

So the 28 Day Meditation Challenge is part of my Conscious Pricing Policy – you get to choose how much to donate – simply contact us to arrange an alternative energy exchange, if you genuinely cannot afford the suggested donation.

“Love It!” Guarantee

You've got nothing to lose with our 'Love it' guaranteeTo help take the risk out of your decision to join in with this course, we offer a “Love It!” guarantee.
It’s really simple:

  • Try the course out for the first ten days to see how it fits for you.
    That’s ten days of emails, insider secrets, life-changing techniques, meditations, audios and forum membership.
  • Let us know if it’s not right for you, by day 10.
    If, by day 10, your heart is telling you that this isn’t the right course for you, reply to one of the daily emails and let us know that you’d like to stop.
  • We would then arrange for your membership to stop and give you a full refund.
    No quibble, no hoops to jump through, no sulks, no awkward feelings. It’s ok.

So you’ve got nothing to lose – and a lot of de-stressing and inner peace to gain!

28 Day Meditation Challenge Feedback


How about getting started today?

Make your donation now and you can start the course in the next five minutes!

After registering, you’ll need to check your email for a message confirming your login details for your membership of the Soul-Sized Living forum, where all the 28 Day Meditation Challenge goodies are waiting for you.

Once that’s done, you’re in! And your Welcome Pack will be winging its virtual way to you.

Conscious Pricing

It’s really important to me that everyone can afford to join in with this life-changing course – whilst also making a fair energy exchange.

As with all of my courses, my Conscious Pricing Policy applies to the 28 Day Meditation Challenge – so if you genuinely can’t afford the suggested donation, please contact us to arrange an alternative energy exchange. I trust you to be fair and there’s no judgement.

Get Started Today

What People Are Saying About The 28 Day Meditation Challenge

I wasn’t a believer in this kind of thing, but having done the 28 day Challenge I have changed my mind completely. It has given me the ability to have some time of complete peacefulness, allowing me to centre myself and become calmer. Thank you for allowing me to participate and helping me along the way.

The 28 Day Meditation challenge helped me re-focus and find a peaceful moment in the day. It felt like a had a reassuring hand on my shoulder, willing me to allow myself 10 minutes a day to find peace. The change in my mental attitude is remarkable.

I did the 28 day challenge and realised, even after doing intensive 10 day retreats, that 10 mins a day is enough to have a massive impact!”

The 28 day meditation challenge was just what I needed to get myself refocused and calmed before a quite hectic time, thank you Clare.

The 28 Meditation challenge was a deeply personal, much needed exercise that I looked forward to on a daily basis. Although done in the comfort of my own home (and alone) I felt a sense of inclusion reading the daily updates via email and on the forum, and a sense of involvement in something powerful and far reaching.

I did the 28day challenge and it made me feel like I had a kind and firm hand on my shoulders. I felt reassured that all was well. I felt a deep peacefulness and ‘in the moment’.

If you have any questions, at any stage of the course, you can pop by the online forum, that’s exclusively for course members (full details will be in your welcome pack & each daily email). If you have a question that’s not answered by the forum, you can always reply to the daily emails.

If you have any questions before you register, you can email hello {at} clarejosa {dot} com

It would be an honour to share this journey with you.



P.S. If you are unsure as to whether meditating is appropriate for you, please consult your medical professional. As a grown-up, please accept full responsibility for your actions in applying any of the suggestions and techniques in the course and will use common sense at each stage, asking for professional advice, should you need it! We also ask everyone to agree to respect the privacy of everyone in the group forum, responding to their posts without judgement, and receiving the same gift in return.

Inspire Your Life

[wp_eStore_cart_when_not_empty]If you’re feeling a heart-based desire to make 2014 your best year yet, stepping up and creating the life of your dreams, perhaps so you can get out there and change the world, then you’ll want to make sure you’re part of this exciting, dynamic, fun and inspirational Inner Circle programme, starting on January 1st 2014.

Interested? Find out how it could be turning the world of ‘living the life of your dreams’ on its head.

Inspire Your Life 2014 - Inner Circle Programme

The secret to creating the life you have been dreaming of is to be who you really are.
And, for most of us, that’s the most difficult and terrifying thing we can imagine.

Yet it is the only thing that will set us free from the stress and the pain of the life we have spent the past decades creating, allowing us to align with the magic of our inner light.

All of the time that we’re out of alignment with this inner light – our True Being – either through self-judgement or through the mask that most of us carefully create each morning, it’s as though we are sending the Universe a signal that we’re not good enough; that we don’t deserve; that we ‘can’t’, ‘shouldn’t’ or ‘may not’ live the life we want.
Then we try the whole ‘manifesting’ malarkey – in whichever form resonated for us, be it goal setting, Law Of Attraction or coaching. And we get some results, but we usually unconsciously sabotage things, just before we get what we thought we wanted. And if we manage to avoid that one, getting what we wanted doesn’t taste as sweet as we thought it would; there’s still something missing.

The thing is, if you choose what your dreams are from a ‘place’ of not being true and authentic to who you really are, then those dreams are limited by the beliefs and fears that were ‘real’ for you at that moment of choice.
And, at some level, we’re expecting the achievement of those dreams or goals to ‘make everything feel right’, to ‘make us feel good’.

But it doesn’t work, because it’s still making our happiness and Inner Peace dependent on something outside of ourselves.

As I said at the beginning, the secret to creating the life you have been dreaming of is to be who you really are.

And my intention – and deepest prayer – with Inspire Your Life is to help you to make life-changing progress along that journey.

Can You Imagine Finishing 2014 Knowing…

  • you have kicked plenty of old habits, so they no longer get in your way?
  • you have dealt with limiting beliefs, fears and old blocks, that used to stop you from living the life you’ve been dreaming of?
  • your dreams are no longer ‘nice ideas’ – they’re fast becoming your reality?
  • you no longer feel like you’re riding a storm of emotions – and it’s easier to connect with your sense of inner peace?
  • you are moving from living a ‘head-based life’ to living from your heart?
  • your relationships are blossoming – with others, as well as with yourself?
  • you no longer wake up feeling tired and dreading your day – you feel inspired?
  • your inspirational energy, smile and sense of purpose inspires others to change their lives, too?


We’re going to be diving in to discover what it is you really want from your experience of life, lovingly uncovering the blocks, fears, out-of-date beliefs and assumptions that have been holding you back, and gently (but firmly!) dealing with them, so you can set yourself free to be who you really are.

The techniques we’ll be using are designed to help you discover the miracles that gratitude and heart-based living can create in your life. Don’t worry if the idea of that scares you – that just means that it’s worth you diving in and joining us! And don’t worry about it all being ‘fluffy woo-woo navel-gazing’. As a reformed mechanical engineer, you can rely on the fact that the insights I’ll be sharing with you are grounded in ‘practical-world’ common sense and won’t be requiring you to levitate with your legs twisted like a pretzel for 3 hours before breakfast each morning. 🙂

All of this happens over the course of the coming year, with full support from others sharing this amazing journey in a peer support forum. And I’ll be breaking these shifts down into bite-sized chunks for you, to make it easy to fit things in around ‘life’, guiding you each step along the way.

As a member of the Inspire Your Life Inner Circle in 2014 you will receive:

Inspire Your Life - Monthly Modules An inspirational pdf workbook, based on each month’s core theme.
Each month’s instalment covers a key area for this journey, structured so that the modules build on each other, helping you to feel the progress you’re making.
Monthly Action Plans A practical action plan, each month.
Each monthly module comes with a practical action plan, to help you take the most important learnings from that month’s instalment and weave them into your daily life, quickly and easily.
Weekly Inspirational Emails And Affirmations Weekly inspirational emails and affirmations
We’re all busy and I want to make sure that you have time to make these changes – so you’ll get weekly (or sometimes twice-weekly) email or video messages, with extra bits for that month’s theme, plus an uplifting affirmation, to help the techniques work at the deepest level possible.
Live Q&A calls Monthly live Q&A calls
These calls are a chance for you to get answers to your questions, to learn from the experience of others and to share your successes. They will be recorded, so that you can listen again, whenever you need to.
Join us in the members-only forum Peer support in the exclusive Inner Circle Forum
Share the journey, hold each other accountable and take your experience of this Inner Circle to the next level by joining in with the exclusive members-only forum (a ‘closed group’ on Facebook).
Meditation & Guided Visualisation MP3s Regular meditations and visualisations
Sometimes it’s best to let go of your thinking mind and to let your unconscious mind (the bits that’s really running the show) take over and make the changes you’re looking for. Guided visualisations and meditations can make a huge difference – and I’ll be making sure you’ve got what you need, at key points over the coming year.
Gift copy of Gratitude: A Daily Journal A gift copy of “Gratitude – A Daily Journal”
The fastest way to create a life you love is by working with gratitude – for all the many and varied aspects of life, as it currently is. To allow you to dive in and get started straight away, when you register, you’ll get a gift copy of Gratitude – A Daily Journal, with love.


Get Started Today

I want to make this Inner Circle as affordable as possible, whilst acknowledging that there needs to be a fair energy exchange. The suggested donations is:

Early Bird (register before midnight on 25th December 2013): £99 – includes a gift copy of Gratitude: A Daily Journal
Regular donation (from 26th December 2013): £199

If you genuinely cannot afford this donation, but feel passionately about making these shifts in your life, please email hello {at} clarejosa {dot} com to discuss alternative energy exchanges.

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Still got questions?

Please let me know by emailing hello {at} clarejosa {dot} com and a member of my team will do their best to help.

I’d love to share this journey with you. I really hope you choose to join us.
With love, Namaste,
