How often do we say that we don’t have time to look after ourselves properly?
How often do we put everyone else’s needs first?
But what if you could find just 2 minutes a day – want to discover the difference that could make?
Let’s get this sorted. Starting today.
It’s a fact that most of us are better at looking after our businesses, clients, bosses, families, homes, volunteer roles and even our cars, than looking after ourselves.
If your car ran out of fuel, you’d fill it up, right?
And if the heel broke on your shoe, you’d get it repaired?
And if your clients need some extra attention, you’d give it to them?
So why can’t we do that with ourselves?
Yet most of us don’t.
You see, putting your needs at the top of your ‘to do’ list isn’t selfish. It’s common sense. And basic self-respect.
I know we all feel passionately about making a difference in the world – and serving others – but what if a decent dose of self-care actually made us even better at doing that?
And self-care doesn’t have to mean spa days and manicures and massages, though they can be great fun. It’s about a mindset – an attitude – a way of living that:
- Respects and conserves your energy levels
- Helps you feel healthy and have enough oomph to get everything done
- Keeps you thinking happy thoughts, not grumpy ones
- Means you get to smile more than you frown
- Shows those around you that you matter – and that you’ll consider saying ‘yes’ to them once you have looked after your own needs
- Takes little actions that make a huge difference to your vitality, happiness, health, motivation and relationships
And it’s amazing how much of this you can do absolutely free – in just 2 minute chunks.
Running around, exhausted and frazzled, pushing yourself into the burn-out zone, doesn’t help anyone. It’s ruining your health – and it’s setting a rubbish example for those around you.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Here’s What You’ll Be Getting
Super-Simple Virtual Mentoring Videos
Change your life while you watch them – in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea. It’s like sitting in a workshop with me, at a time and place that suits you. I can’t make it any easier than that, can I?!
Weekly Practical Challenges
These 2-Minute challenges are your daily self-care activity. And they’re specially designed to build on each other, to create the shifts you’re dreaming of, without even noticing.
The four challenges will be drinking water, green smoothies, brilliant breathing and firing your Inner Critic. And I’m going to make each of these easy for you.
Weekly Affirmations
Allow the changes to sink in at a deeper level with these inspirational affirmations.
They realign your thoughts, having an immensely positive impact on each and every cell in your body. They are a secret key to making change easier and retraining your brain.
Easily Create Life-Changing Insights
Each instalment comes with carefully-crafted questions for you to ask yourself, to help you dive in more deeply and really deal with those pesky old habits… These are the exact questions I would ask you, if we were sitting face-to-face in a mentoring session together.
Join In With The Celebrations
Our invitation-only Facebook community is the ideal place to share your successes, get answers to your questions and to connect with like-hearted souls. Sharing the journey cranks up the potency of the tools and techniques – getting you even better results.
Gorgeous Graduation Bonuses
When you have completed the 28 days, you’ll get some gorgeous graduation bonuses – to inspire you to keep going on your Self-Care journey. I can’t wait to share them with you!
What It’s Not:
This 28 day 2 minute self-care challenge is NOT nutritional advice. It’s not in-depth psychotherapy. It’s not bullying or nagging. It’s not scary. It’s not judgemental. It’s not about diving into your victim story. It’s not about beating yourself up. It’s not about guilt. It’s not about being told what to do or think.
What It Is:
It IS my personal insider secret short cuts for releasing the old blocks, limiting beliefs, fears and excuses that mean you haven’t put yourself anywhere near the top of your ‘to do’ list for far too long – in super-simple bite-sized chunks.
It IS a life-changing journey – in just a few minutes a day.
It IS an inspired blend of NLP (aka the ‘user manual for your brain’), demystified Ancient Wisdom and practical common sense.
It IS fun and light-hearted.
It IS a Tribe – you’ll be joining us in our private Facebook group where you can share your journey, get answers to your questions and enjoy the conversations with other like-minded Souls.
Although the actions you’ll be taking come in 2 minute chunks, the impact on your mindset, attitude, energy levels, positivity, motivation, health, behaviour and joie de vivre will be profound.
Over the past decade or more I have refined, tweaked, experimented, learned from mistakes and taught these insider secrets to tens of thousands of women – just like you – and just like me – who are ready to dive in and do the self-care that’s needed so they can get on with changing the world.
As a certified NLP Trainer (aka the ‘user manual for your brain’), a professional Meditation Teacher, author of 4 life-changing books and a reformed Mechanical Engineer, I specialise in making it easy for you to change your life, no matter how busy you are. I have developed a gorgeous range of unique tools and techniques, which I hope are an inspirational blend of the best of modern psychology, with a generous sprinkling of demystified Ancient Wisdom, an Inner Engineer’s practical common sense and a light-hearted, intuitive approach.
What’s The Investment?
Your actual ‘self-care’ time will be a couple of minutes per day – that’s it. Unless you want to do more
But because this is a 28 day challenge to help you actually CREATE and then MAINTAIN the habits, you’ll want to spend about 5 minutes a day going through the teaching materials.
I will email these out to you in below-5-minute bite-sized chunks. And we operate a ‘5+2’ email schedule here – you get a daily message for 5 days and then 2 days off, so you never get overloaded and there’s always breathing space to catch up.
Choose Your Donation
Err… “Why isn’t it free?”
Well… How many ‘free challenges’ have you actually stuck at beyond the first few days? Yes, I know it can work, but normally it just sits lurking in your inbox, making you feel guilty. And that’s not what I want for you on this. It’s far too important.
Fact: most people don’t actually do the free challenges they sign up for.
And also the stuff I’m going to be sharing with you is gold dust, masquerading as blindingly obvious super-easy-to-apply common sense. That’s not coincidence. That’s the result of me spending twenty years studying and teaching this stuff, to make it as easy as possible for you to change your life. And it’s why I love doing what I do!
I’m making it super-easy for you to make the shifts you have been dreaming of.
I also don’t want you to be put off by the sales-pitch-y ‘but this is worth a gazillion whatevers’ Spiel, either. You and I both know the impact that shifting our beliefs, habits, excuses and fears around self-care could have for us. You either want in or you don’t. And that’s cool, either way.
So I’m running this 28 day challenge on a ‘choose your donation basis’.
It’s really important not to stress on this. I know that sometimes people feel rabbits-in-headlights by having to choose how much to donate to join in with something, so here’s a guideline:
Pick a donation that’s enough to motivate you to do this, but still affordable for you.
There’s no judgement. Just pick a donation now and let’s get started!
P.S. This is also me showing a little bit of self-care by not diving in to my traditional heart-felt ‘give everything away for free’ habit…