So, yes, you might be surprised to hear me say it, but positive thinking sucks – IF you’re falling into one of the 3 most common traps that catch most people out.
In today’s Soul-Sized Wednesday video I’m spilling the beans on the 3 most common reasons why positive thinking is a waste of time – and the ABC of what you can do about it.
Well? How did you get on?
If you’d like to join in the discussion on this, I’d love to hear from you via the comments.
- Which shifts did this ABC technique create for you?
- How will you remind yourself to play with it?
- And how different do things feel, a week on?
Could you help to spread the word?
Please share this with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest – and wherever else you hang out!
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With love, Namaste,
P.S. If you liked this technique, then please check out my new online course: The A-Z Of Authentic Positive Thinking ~ it might just change your life!
xx Clare