Dear %%FIRST_NAME%%,
So we’re at Day 1 already! How have the last few days been? Have you had a chance to spend a few minutes focusing on gratitude most of the days?
Today I’d like to share with you a quote and a bonus gratitude technique. Here’s the quote first:
“When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” ~ G.K. Chesterton
I’m curious: how are you taking life today?
Have you done your gratitude time yet?
Not had a chance today? How about taking a minute to think about things you’re grateful for, right now?
How about sharing how you’re getting on via the Week Two discussion thread in the forum?
Week Two Discussions
Change your life with a gratitude jar
And today I’d also like to share a bonus technique with you – it’s called a Gratitude Jar.
It’s a wonderful way of helping you to ‘collect gratitude memories’, throughout each year.
I’d love you to be able to share the technique with your friends, if it resonates for you, so I have included it in the ‘open access’ area of my website.
Here’s a link to explain what a Gratitude Jar is, how it works and how it can change your life: Gratitude Jars.
Here’s Your Week Two Project & Useful Links
Bedtime Gratitude Spiral
- Before you fall asleep, choose three things you feel grateful for, to use for this exercise.
It might be something that happened during the day; it might be something from your gratitude jar. It doesn’t really matter what you choose, as long as it helps you to connect with the feeling of gratitude in your heart. - Allow yourself to gently rest in the feeling of gratitude for the first thing.
- Really experience the grateful emotion. Feel the gratitude expanding and growing. Don’t force, just let it naturally work its magic.
- Really dive into the experience you are feeling grateful for. See what you would be seeing, if it were happening right now; hear what you would hear; feel the physical sensations that you would feel.
- Allow the intensity of your gratitude to increase, perhaps imagining that you have a dial you can use to turn up the feeling.
- If the feeling of gratitude starts to wane, move on to the second thing and repeat #2.
Then, just as you notice it start to wane, move onto your third thing. - You can keep going, if you want to, until you fall asleep.
- Notice how your mood is shifted.
Perhaps say a heart-felt ‘thank you’ to yourself, for choosing to do the Bedtime Gratitude Spiral.
It can help to anchor this process into part of your bedtime routine, to help you remember to do it. For example, you could tie it in with turning off your light. If you read before you sleep, you could anchor it in with putting the book down. Or you could choose to do it when your head touches the pillow.
You only need to do this for a few days and already you’re creating a life-long positive habit.
I’d love to hear your experiences of playing with this technique. Here’s a special discussion thread in the forum, for you to share your insights and ask any questions you may have: The Bedtime Gratitude Spiral.
Here’s the members-only community (private) and even the Facebook Page (public), where you can ask questions, share your experiences and support others who are joining in with the Miracle Of Gratitude.